
It went through the checks just now & is available on the Chrome store.

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Great, let me try it and feedback here

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Just released v1 on Firefox. It’s on Firefox only, so I can squash the bugs I might find, and because Firefox is the best. Chrome store still wants to review every new version, which takes like a week, so that’ll wait till it works.

Release notes:

Moved things to “background page”.

  • Now you’ll be able to get messages when your popup is closed, and you’ll see a number on the button badge.
  • The subscription spinner should work.
  • It’s faster.

One downside is that now you can only have one open chat, because state is shared.

I’m thinking about splitting the add-on into 2. One for the chat, and another one for an NKN wallet.

After that, I think it’ll be relatively easy to create a flow for accessing *.wikipedia.nkn. So I’ll probably do that.

EDIT: oh yeah, and in case anyone was actually using this yet, then rejoice, as your chats list went blank after the update. You’ll have to rejoin your chats.

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Hi Lynn,

Thanks a lot for the update! Is the new 1.0 working over mainnet or testnet? I just did a quick test but it seems spinning.


It’s still on the testnet. Forgot to update the nkn wallet package.

seems spinning

Looks like I broke it, after all, huh. I get that now too. I’ll update to mainnet while I’m at it, I guess.

Suddenly I’m not seeing any new block events firing on the testnet. And mainnet threw me some errors, that I didn’t write down but cannot reproduce, too. I’m guessing it might have something to do with the nkn-wallet-js pointing to https://mainnet-rpc-node-0001.nkn.org/mainnet/api/wallet but nkn-client-js still points to http://testnet-node-0001.nkn.org:30003 . Right now I’m not seeing any block events on mainnet either.

What is the mainnet equivalent of the former? Github suddenly requires 2FA so forget about logging in, ever.

I’ll figure this stuff out tomorrow. It’s broken for the night regardless of what I do, I guess. The older version as well.

I did, In fact, find a bug in the extension, but fixing that didn’t do anything to the “spinner problem” because it cannot hear any block events, so subscriptions will never resolve.

Time for a rest and continue tomorrow. :grinning: I guess right now both mainnet and testnet want to take a rest as well. Should be fixed soonish.

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Still no block events. Don’t think publish is going through either. Can’t tell about subscribe.

Testnet or testnet-node-0001 appears bugged. I get the connect event, but no block events.
I don’t know any node on the mainnet that I could connect the nkn-client-js to, so I can’t even test it there. Tried the “mainnet/api/wallet” node on that, but it doesn’t respond.

Can you pick these seed nodes from mainnet? Will be nice to have it running over mainnet. :grinning:

Thanks for the list, but unfortunately they don’t work. I tried with the example in the repo as well.

$ node node_example.js http://testnet-node-0001.nkn.org:30003 10000
[] Send message from 97c7e3e64811c648.027c8c4361238e630b0d896a54e0e27808789fdf34afdc65cb9d4f2efbd147eb21 to 751d9dd8c8702b46.020213bc7f3e83e46d018688c5619c7fe890ce8b52949a293f027dbfe06c9b5fed
[] Receive text message "Hello world!" from 97c7e3e64811c648.027c8c4361238e630b0d896a54e0e27808789fdf34afdc65cb9d4f2efbd147eb21 after 137 ms
[] Receive "Well received!" from 751d9dd8c8702b46.020213bc7f3e83e46d018688c5619c7fe890ce8b52949a293f027dbfe06c9b5fed after 283 ms
$ node node_example.js http://mainnet-seed-0001.nkn.org:30003 10000

It just hangs forever.

what is your Discord handle? I can invite you to our community developer channel, where you will get the best support. This is our generic invite. but once you are in I can add you to the private channel.

It’s lynn#2453 .

Alright, try #2 is here. Version 2.0.2. On the mainnet!

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Just tested v2 running on mainnet. Working very well!

Pushed v2 onto Chrome just now. By Friday it might be out.

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The latest version is even better, two UI suggestion from my side.


As above showed
1: The top message “hello” be covered by the #test tab
2: The submit button a bit oversize, esp when adjust the windows size.

And it is still the best and real decentralization chat app I’v been seen. Thanks

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Lynn has released v2.6 for Firefox (Chrome will come a bit later, due to heavier approval process). In this release, there is faucet function so D-Chat users can get 0.00001 NKN into their wallet for subscribing to new channels. Thanks Lynn!

A few screenshots:
01%20AM 30%20AM 52%20AM


The feature seems to have disappeared.

From past experience, I (personally) know that I might chat privately with someone to regain a balance in my wallet, however:

  • I see no wallet and so, no balance

… and so on. I wonder, are other users stranded?

Alternatives to the faucet? (#12) · Issues · Lynn / D-Chat · GitLab

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There have been many software updates since you last visited. The faucet function is removed because:

  1. you can actually subscribe to a channel without fee, since the spamming has stopped due to our software updates
  2. Users in a group chat can tip you 5 sats, which will enable you to subscribe in case zero fee subscription did not get through

The latest d-chat should be version 4.9.1 or higher. If you look at the following screenshot, and click on the Home menu on the left, and click “more” you should find your NKN id, wallet address and all the other important information that were in Account previously.



Thanks, now I see why the wallet could not be found.

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