How to find address of wallet(google cloud)

Hello. I am not a programmer and all this is difficult for me. Prior to the update, I deployed a couple of nodes without problems via NKN 1-click on MarketPlace (google cloud). But now I know that you need to replenish your node by 10 NKN if you deploy new node. Tell me I can just enter some command to display the wallet address of my node that needs to be replenished. Sorry for such a simple question. Can I use any command in the window below? My personal OS is windows 10(if it is important).Безымянный
P.s I tried to find answer, but there are so many old information, I just do not understand what is right command

I just checked the node on and saw it(screenshot below). Do I understand correctly that I can just transfer 10 nkn to the address in the screenshot and the node will work.Снимок экрана 2021-04-30 025834

send 10NKN to the wallet addr

If your node is new, seted post block 2570000, you need to send 10 NKN (mainnet, not ERC-20) to your node wallet.

Where did you get your NKN? Mining or in a exchange? If you got them on a exchange those are ERC-20 so you need to swap them to Mainnet NKN here:

(reed carefully the process) Guide: NKN’s official mainnet token swap tool

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connect and paste:
cat /home/nkn/nkn-commercial/services/nkn-node/wallet.json
find ‘Adress:NKN…’

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