

GID 78, Elected block hash f110b9839d0c326285bab95416dc144e2f9cce55b8da792a8a50f8963adabe2b got 0/0 neighbor votes, weight: 1 (100.00%)


Local node has no inbound neighbor, it's possible that local node is unreachable from outside, e.g. behind firewall or NAT.

./nknd --config config.json --web-gui-listen-address
2023/06/05 11:27:15 Set SyncStateMaxThread to 28
2023/06/05 11:27:15 Set SyncHeaderMaxSize to 42410
2023/06/05 11:27:15 Set SyncBatchWindowSize to 52
2023/06/05 11:27:15 Set TxPoolMaxMemorySize to 3
2023/06/05 11:27:15 Set ClientMsgCacheSize to 8863744
2023/06/05 11:27:15.634612 [INFO ] GID 1, Skip automatic port forwading. You need to set up port forwarding and firewall yourself.
2023/06/05 11:27:15.634880 [INFO ] GID 1, Node version: v2.2.0
2023/06/05 11:27:19.853238 [INFO ] GID 1, set default cert domain to: x-x-x-x.ipv4.staticdns1.io
2023/06/05 11:27:19.853288 [INFO ] GID 1, use default https certs
2023/06/05 11:27:19.853316 [INFO ] GID 1, use default wss certs
2023/06/05 11:27:19.854578 [INFO ] GID 35, https cert received
2023/06/05 11:27:19.857074 [INFO ] GID 1, database Version: 1
2023/06/05 11:27:19.857234 [INFO ] GID 1, State root: b22816fbb070a288fcf09d6992d85c581cc4ab8c7c4e58664ecc3c3ceda29250
2023/06/05 11:27:19.857269 [INFO ] GID 1, Start pruning…
2023/06/05 11:27:19.857324 [INFO ] GID 1, get height of trie pruned error: leveldb: not found
2023/06/05 11:27:19.857357 [INFO ] GID 1, get compact height error: leveldb: not found
2023/06/05 11:27:19.857439 [INFO ] GID 1, get no ID from local ledger
2023/06/05 11:27:19.860500 [INFO ] GID 1, GetID got resp: {“error”:{“code”:-45023,“data”:null,“message”:“Generate ID transaction is on chain, ID will be computed in a few blocks”},“id”:“1”,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”} from http://xx.xx.xx.xx:30003

2023/06/05 11:27:19.860581 [INFO ] GID 1, Waiting for ID generation to complete
./nknd --config config.json -c --web-gui-listen-address
2023/06/05 11:26:29 Set SyncStateMaxThread to 28
2023/06/05 11:26:29 Set SyncHeaderMaxSize to 42410
2023/06/05 11:26:29 Set SyncBatchWindowSize to 52
2023/06/05 11:26:29 Set TxPoolMaxMemorySize to 3
2023/06/05 11:26:29 Set ClientMsgCacheSize to 8863744
2023/06/05 11:26:29.424023 [INFO ] GID 1, Skip automatic port forwading. You need to set up port forwarding and firewall yourself.
2023/06/05 11:26:29.424289 [INFO ] GID 1, Node version: v2.2.0
2023/06/05 11:26:34.722453 [INFO ] GID 1, set default cert domain to: 118-193-45-148.ipv4.staticdns1.io
2023/06/05 11:26:34.722508 [INFO ] GID 1, use default https certs
2023/06/05 11:26:34.722526 [INFO ] GID 1, use default wss certs
2023/06/05 11:26:34.724022 [INFO ] GID 35, https cert received
2023/06/05 11:26:34.728019 [INFO ] GID 1, database Version: 1
2023/06/05 11:26:34.728387 [INFO ] GID 1, State root: 22d863f2bf2747f21dd037bf405c4ebccfda2955f43ac4078d397be4a2ad43fd
2023/06/05 11:26:34.728468 [INFO ] GID 1, Start pruning…
2023/06/05 11:26:34.728515 [INFO ] GID 1, get height of trie counted error: leveldb: not found
2023/06/05 11:26:34.728623 [INFO ] GID 1, get height of trie pruned error: leveldb: not found
2023/06/05 11:26:34.728898 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 0, length of refCounts: 9
2023/06/05 11:26:34.729013 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 1, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/05 11:26:34.729188 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 2, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/05 11:26:34.729341 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 3, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/05 11:26:34.729462 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 4, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/05 11:26:34.729596 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 5, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/05 11:26:34.729738 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 6, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/05 11:26:34.729879 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 7, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/05 11:26:34.730039 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 8, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/05 11:26:34.730087 [INFO ] GID 1, get compact height error: leveldb: not found
2023/06/05 11:26:34.730207 [INFO ] GID 1, current chord ID: 2ea9ab9198d1638007400cd2c3bef1cc745b864b76011a0e1bc52180ac6452d4
2023/06/05 11:26:34.731330 [INFO ] GID 1, Init node ID to 2ea9ab9198d1638007400cd2c3bef1cc745b864b76011a0e1bc52180ac6452d4
2023/06/05 11:26:34.732152 [INFO ] GID 48, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/05 11:26:34.732285 [INFO ] GID 84, wss cert received
2023/06/05 11:26:34.732520 [INFO ] GID 92, Set min verifiable height to 13
2023/06/05 11:26:44.732836 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/05 11:26:54.733193 [INFO ] GID 48, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/05 11:26:54.825702 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
2023/06/05 11:27:04.916892 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
2023/06/05 11:27:14.734288 [INFO ] GID 48, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/05 11:27:15.011857 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
2023/06/05 11:27:25.102391 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
2023/06/05 11:27:34.734931 [INFO ] GID 48, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/05 11:27:35.191810 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
2023/06/05 11:27:45.280258 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
2023/06/05 11:27:54.735965 [INFO ] GID 48, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/05 11:27:55.368322 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
2023/06/05 11:28:05.455359 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
2023/06/05 11:28:14.736915 [INFO ] GID 48, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/05 11:28:15.547294 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
2023/06/05 11:28:25.636227 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
2023/06/05 11:28:34.737671 [INFO ] GID 48, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/05 11:28:35.726383 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
2023/06/05 11:28:41.234828 [INFO ] GID 92, Cannot get neighbors’ majority consensus height, assuming network bootstrap.
2023/06/05 11:28:41.234884 [INFO ] GID 92, Set min verifiable height to 0
2023/06/05 11:28:45.777662 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/05 11:28:54.738531 [INFO ] GID 48, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/05 11:28:55.828487 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/05 11:29:05.879590 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/05 11:29:14.739610 [INFO ] GID 48, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/05 11:29:15.930642 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/05 11:29:25.981696 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/05 11:29:34.740581 [INFO ] GID 48, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/05 11:29:36.032738 [WARN ] GID 89, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout




那这个就比较复杂了,你需要保证非创世节点的 config 里面 seed 节点的地址、创世区块的公钥都正确,并且如果节点之间不是通过公网 IP 进行通讯的话,还需要在 Hostname 中指定节点所用的 IP。

好的,谢谢大佬。我再试试看,看看有啥问题 :+1:

2023/06/07 10:37:41.675060 [INFO ] GID 403, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/07 10:37:48.379012 [WARN ] GID 455, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/07 10:37:49.176354 [WARN ] GID 478, Local node has no inbound neighbor, it’s possible that local node is unreachable from outside, e.g. behind firewall or NAT.
2023/06/07 10:37:58.429424 [WARN ] GID 455, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/07 10:38:00.223934 [WARN ] GID 478, Local node has no inbound neighbor, it’s possible that local node is unreachable from outside, e.g. behind firewall or NAT.
2023/06/07 10:38:01.675544 [INFO ] GID 403, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/07 10:38:08.481039 [WARN ] GID 455, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/07 10:38:10.078347 [WARN ] GID 478, Local node has no inbound neighbor, it’s possible that local node is unreachable from outside, e.g. behind firewall or NAT.
2023/06/07 10:38:14.673664 [INFO ] GID 619, Connect to random neighbor at key 8eee30a85bc200cf482f18ebe0e5cb90cecf47a6de661eb00b903835f353fed1 error: trying to connect to self
2023/06/07 10:38:15.673876 [INFO ] GID 619, Node with id 2ea9ab9198d1638007400cd2c3bef1cc745b864b76011a0e1bc52180ac6452d4 is already a neighbor
2023/06/07 10:38:15.673941 [INFO ] GID 619, Connect to random neighbor 2ea9ab9198d1638007400cd2c3bef1cc745b864b76011a0e1bc52180ac6452d4@tcp://x.x.x.x:30001
2023/06/07 10:38:18.438993 [INFO ] GID 457, Request block 0e304316e9773479f96c2df37f2711cf616cb4ef52381d13a7181d5dc3b2bcca from neighbor 2ea9ab9198d1638007400cd2c3bef1cc745b864b76011a0e1bc52180ac6452d4
2023/06/07 10:38:18.439772 [INFO ] GID 457, Receive block info 0e304316e9773479f96c2df37f2711cf616cb4ef52381d13a7181d5dc3b2bcca, 1 txn found, 0 txn to request
2023/06/07 10:38:18.439823 [INFO ] GID 457, Receive block proposal 0e304316e9773479f96c2df37f2711cf616cb4ef52381d13a7181d5dc3b2bcca (1 txn, 92 bytes) by 2c2dbfcfacd9cab784631d61425f369a787287e6522545a94fe197fb0f387312
2023/06/07 10:38:21.676364 [INFO ] GID 403, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/07 10:38:22.555036 [WARN ] GID 478, Local node has no inbound neighbor, it’s possible that local node is unreachable from outside, e.g. behind firewall or NAT.
2023/06/07 10:38:28.440777 [INFO ] GID 455, Change expected block height to 19
2023/06/07 10:38:30.706147 [INFO ] GID 620, Connect to random neighbor at key 3d82f4cb47f7707c52da7cce6ba6de69125adc9d67937e43bf089097b7f347b3 error: trying to connect to self
2023/06/07 10:38:30.991773 [WARN ] GID 478, Local node has no inbound neighbor, it’s possible that local node is unreachable from outside, e.g. behind firewall or NAT.
2023/06/07 10:38:31.706981 [INFO ] GID 620, Node with id 2ea9ab9198d1638007400cd2c3bef1cc745b864b76011a0e1bc52180ac6452d4 is already a neighbor
2023/06/07 10:38:31.707074 [INFO ] GID 620, Connect to random neighbor 2ea9ab9198d1638007400cd2c3bef1cc745b864b76011a0e1bc52180ac6452d4@tcp://x.x.x.x:30001
2023/06/07 10:38:38.441854 [INFO ] GID 455, Elected block hash 0e304316e9773479f96c2df37f2711cf616cb4ef52381d13a7181d5dc3b2bcca got 1/1 neighbor votes, weight: 2 (100.00%)
2023/06/07 10:38:38.441911 [INFO ] GID 455, Accept block 0e304316e9773479f96c2df37f2711cf616cb4ef52381d13a7181d5dc3b2bcca at height 18
2023/06/07 10:38:38.442173 [INFO ] GID 455, # current block height: 18, block hash: 0e304316e9773479f96c2df37f2711cf616cb4ef52381d13a7181d5dc3b2bcca
2023/06/07 10:38:41.676719 [INFO ] GID 403, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/07 10:38:42.501495 [WARN ] GID 478, Local node has no inbound neighbor, it’s possible that local node is unreachable from outside, e.g. behind firewall or NAT.
2023/06/07 10:39:38.012798 [INFO ] GID 87, Accept block 1fcbd3da74e862fc3b3dd0846c7a52185819f0d3a20d07570f28b65fc340f06d at height 19
2023/06/07 10:39:38.013153 [INFO ] GID 87, # current block height: 19, block hash: 1fcbd3da74e862fc3b3dd0846c7a52185819f0d3a20d07570f28b65fc340f06d
2023/06/07 10:39:48.014205 [WARN ] GID 87, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/07 10:39:53.781482 [INFO ] GID 46, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/07 10:39:58.066068 [WARN ] GID 87, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/07 10:40:05.769327 [INFO ] GID 1261, Node with id 97979b083357dd2ffa703631b5019b93d67170068f1e08159ef7fe9ee74c8a58 is already a neighbor
2023/06/07 10:40:05.769401 [INFO ] GID 1261, Connect to random neighbor 97979b083357dd2ffa703631b5019b93d67170068f1e08159ef7fe9ee74c8a58@tcp://
2023/06/07 10:40:08.117285 [WARN ] GID 87, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/07 10:40:13.782667 [INFO ] GID 46, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/07 10:40:17.079554 [INFO ] GID 88, I am the block proposer at height 20
2023/06/07 10:40:17.080855 [INFO ] GID 88, Propose block 7c7ade095c5cdb1fcd87cec3606f840851d16ebc849e5fbb69d063955a0a9b5c at height 20
2023/06/07 10:40:18.081446 [INFO ] GID 88, Receive block proposal 7c7ade095c5cdb1fcd87cec3606f840851d16ebc849e5fbb69d063955a0a9b5c (1 txn, 92 bytes) by 2c2dbfcfacd9cab784631d61425f369a787287e6522545a94fe197fb0f387312
2023/06/07 10:40:28.082144 [INFO ] GID 87, Change expected block height to 21
2023/06/07 10:40:33.783757 [INFO ] GID 46, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/07 10:40:38.083578 [INFO ] GID 87, Elected block hash 7c7ade095c5cdb1fcd87cec3606f840851d16ebc849e5fbb69d063955a0a9b5c got 1/1 neighbor votes, weight: 2 (100.00%)
2023/06/07 10:40:38.083747 [INFO ] GID 87, Accept block 7c7ade095c5cdb1fcd87cec3606f840851d16ebc849e5fbb69d063955a0a9b5c at height 20
2023/06/07 10:40:38.084561 [INFO ] GID 87, # current block height: 20, block hash: 7c7ade095c5cdb1fcd87cec3606f840851d16ebc849e5fbb69d063955a0a9b5c
2023/06/07 10:40:48.085267 [WARN ] GID 87, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/07 10:40:53.784539 [INFO ] GID 46, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/07 10:40:58.136878 [WARN ] GID 87, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/07 10:41:05.770487 [INFO ] GID 1261, Node with id 97979b083357dd2ffa703631b5019b93d67170068f1e08159ef7fe9ee74c8a58 is already a neighbor
2023/06/07 10:41:05.770665 [INFO ] GID 1261, Connect to random neighbor 97979b083357dd2ffa703631b5019b93d67170068f1e08159ef7fe9ee74c8a58@tcp://
2023/06/07 10:41:08.187893 [WARN ] GID 87, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/07 10:41:13.785331 [INFO ] GID 46, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/07 10:41:17.158412 [INFO ] GID 88, I am the block proposer at height 21
2023/06/07 10:41:17.159696 [INFO ] GID 88, Propose block 3ef7f9c7372f3ec94fe9c21295727f533647ca6e7ca93ff77dd72c8cb98c2ff4 at height 21
2023/06/07 10:41:18.160611 [INFO ] GID 88, Receive block proposal 3ef7f9c7372f3ec94fe9c21295727f533647ca6e7ca93ff77dd72c8cb98c2ff4 (1 txn, 92 bytes) by 2c2dbfcfacd9cab784631d61425f369a787287e6522545a94fe197fb0f387312
2023/06/07 10:41:28.161376 [INFO ] GID 87, Change expected block height to 22
2023/06/07 10:41:33.786251 [INFO ] GID 46, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/07 10:41:38.161665 [INFO ] GID 87, Elected block hash 3ef7f9c7372f3ec94fe9c21295727f533647ca6e7ca93ff77dd72c8cb98c2ff4 got 1/1 neighbor votes, weight: 2 (100.00%)
2023/06/07 10:41:38.161728 [INFO ] GID 87, Accept block 3ef7f9c7372f3ec94fe9c21295727f533647ca6e7ca93ff77dd72c8cb98c2ff4 at height 21
2023/06/07 10:41:38.162015 [INFO ] GID 87, # current block height: 21, block hash: 3ef7f9c7372f3ec94fe9c21295727f533647ca6e7ca93ff77dd72c8cb98c2ff4
2023/06/07 10:41:48.162462 [WARN ] GID 87, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/07 10:41:53.786785 [INFO ] GID 46, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/07 10:41:58.213831 [WARN ] GID 87, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
请问这种情况是端口没打开么?我尝试telnet 30000、30001、30002、30003,端口都是通的,然后由于30004、30005没有服务监听所以没有通。登录web界面查看,创世节点没有报没有入向邻居的错误,但是节点1会报错没有入向邻居

“BeneficiaryAddr”: “”,
“NAT”: false,
“HttpWsPort”: 30002,
“HttpJsonPort”: 30003,
“Hostname”: “xx.xx.xx.xx”,
“SeedList”: [
“GenesisBlockProposer”: “2c2dbfcfacd9cab784631d61425f369a787287e6522545a94fe197fb0f387312”
“BeneficiaryAddr”: “”,
“NAT”: false,
“HttpWsPort”: 30002,
“HttpJsonPort”: 30003,
“Hostname”: “x.x.x.x”,
“SeedList”: [
“GenesisBlockProposer”: “2c2dbfcfacd9cab784631d61425f369a787287e6522545a94fe197fb0f387312”

这个是正常的,因为每个节点一共就一个邻居嘛,总有一个是没有入向邻居的。整体来说,NKN 网络是给大规模网络设计和优化的,在网络规模正常的情况下是不会出现这种情况的~




是没有什么问题的,不过有一个区别,你自己的私网里面可能因为没有转发流量,所以没有签名链,这种情况下出块周期是 1 分钟而不是 20 秒。




./nknd -c --password-file password
2023/06/12 16:37:39 Set SyncStateMaxThread to 28
2023/06/12 16:37:39 Set SyncHeaderMaxSize to 42410
2023/06/12 16:37:39 Set SyncBatchWindowSize to 52
2023/06/12 16:37:39 Set TxPoolMaxMemorySize to 3
2023/06/12 16:37:39 Set ClientMsgCacheSize to 8863744
2023/06/12 16:37:39.637361 [INFO ] GID 1, Skip automatic port forwading. You need to set up port forwarding and firewall yourself.
2023/06/12 16:37:39.638045 [INFO ] GID 1, Node version: v2.2.0
2023/06/12 16:37:40.553338 [ERROR] GID 1, lookup x-x-x-x.ipv4.staticdns3.io on no such host
2023/06/12 16:37:40.553420 [INFO ] GID 1, set default cert domain to: x-x-x-x.ipv4.staticdns1.io
2023/06/12 16:37:40.553441 [INFO ] GID 1, use default https certs
2023/06/12 16:37:40.553459 [INFO ] GID 1, use default wss certs
2023/06/12 16:37:40.629821 [INFO ] GID 1, database Version: 1
2023/06/12 16:37:40.630369 [INFO ] GID 1, State root: 1140bf9ea602e4867eae306cd56120c2b4c1bdb8fe186066d5e401dffd142a60
2023/06/12 16:37:40.630450 [INFO ] GID 1, Start pruning…
2023/06/12 16:37:40.630519 [INFO ] GID 1, get height of trie pruned error: leveldb: not found
2023/06/12 16:37:40.630796 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 1, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/12 16:37:40.630995 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 2, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/12 16:37:40.631179 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 3, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/12 16:37:40.631873 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 4, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/12 16:37:40.632170 [INFO ] GID 1, RefCount height: 5, length of refCounts: 11
2023/06/12 16:37:40.632226 [INFO ] GID 1, get compact height error: leveldb: not found
2023/06/12 16:37:40.632337 [INFO ] GID 1, current chord ID: 2ea9ab9198d1638007400cd2c3bef1cc745b864b76011a0e1bc52180ac6452d4
2023/06/12 16:37:40.633864 [INFO ] GID 1, Init node ID to 2ea9ab9198d1638007400cd2c3bef1cc745b864b76011a0e1bc52180ac6452d4
2023/06/12 16:37:40.634933 [INFO ] GID 35, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/12 16:37:40.635151 [INFO ] GID 79, Set min verifiable height to 10
2023/06/12 16:37:41.612529 [ERROR] GID 22, create new certManager err: acme: error: 429 :: POST :: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-acct :: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited :: Error creating new account :: too many registrations for this IP: see https://letsencrypt.org/docs/too-many-registrations-for-this-ip/, url:
2023/06/12 16:37:50.636085 [WARN ] GID 76, Handle proposal error: wait for proposal timeout
2023/06/12 16:38:00.642656 [INFO ] GID 35, DropTxns: 0 txns (0 bytes) in txpool, no need to drop
2023/06/12 16:38:00.689621 [WARN ] GID 76, Handle proposal error: wait for neighbor vote timeout
