Security Enhancement: Adjusting Fees for Generate ID

Some of my nodes deployed 5 days ago show “WAIT_FOR_SYNCING” ,find this noon ,3hours pasted,nothing changed.what should I do?

When will you fix
There is still nothing working there.

nknx is a community project by nknx team (not nkn team). They all do it in their free time, so let’s give them some time and big thanks.

PS: as far as I know they are recoding nknx now :slight_smile:

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why don’t we have swap available from mainnet to erc20? what is the total supplies of coins for both erc20 and the mainnet coin? I’m assuming is the same total supply since its the same coin, I think not having the swap available keeps the erc20 price up, but that is not a true number since in any mining coin people do sell, and some hold.

Next mainnet to ERC-20 swap open will be May 15-26. But we will gradually expand the window, and eventually keep it open almost all the time.

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What about something like “Pay per Relay” system? It could be something like a pay per share so you get paid for the work you make, no luck or unbalance involved :slight_smile:

If you mean mining reward (system pay), then basically there need to be a record for all relays on chain, which is simply impossible. If you mean user pay the reward, then it’s very bad for adoption, and with few users there will be little reward.

Well I just don´t know about the implementation…
what I mean is something like in a pool for example:
· 10000 nodes conected to a pool with the same beneficiary adress (the pool one)
· Every node reports his relays to the pool, and the pool record them.
· If any of those 10000 nodes find a block the rewards go to the pool.
· At the end of the day the pool divides the rewards percentual to the relays that every node has submited

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Ah I didn’t know you are talking about pool.

Yeah it might work for mining pool. But since pool is centralized, this should be done by the pool, not inside nkn core. Also, one needs to be careful because the relay count should not be trusted blindly.

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I am unable to send 10 NKNs to the wallet address shown for my node on nStatus. I have tried sending through coinbase, coinbase pro, and They all show the address (from nstatus) is invalid. I’m not sure what to troubleshoot. Thank you

NKN Mainnet tokens are different from ERC-20 tokens (coinbase, You can use the swap tool:

I tried to pay the ID generation fee by sending the 10 NKN from my coinbase pro wallet, but it says the address I’m given is invalid? Is NKN wallet no supported by coinbase pro?

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I am having the same or similar issue with mainnet tokens for ID generation fee. I have attempted to set up a NKN token swap, but my ERC-20 tokens are in an exchange, which the token swap explicitly states that the system does not work with exchange addresses.
What is the expected way to move purchased ERC-20 tokens to a mainnet wallet address?

exchange -> personal wallet (e.g. Metamask,, trust wallet) -> swap system

Great. Thanks.


I got my node running on 23rd April.
In Phase 2 of the update it generated a new ID, but node stopped running at 2599999.
I restarted, but now the ID is gone and it says I have to pay the 10 NKN for generating new ID.
Can someone help me out?

I also have this problem.

This just happend on one of my oldest nodes as well…

Failed to create ID. Make sure node’s wallet address has enough balance for generate ID fee, or use another wallet to generate ID for this node’s public key.

It was one of the firts nodes I setup and was working fine, I my morning checkup found it idling and when I reach for the logs saw that.

We have a database of all nodes crawled as below condition. Please carefully check the below two conditions. If your node(s) satisfy both conditions and still cannot get a new ID and cannot run properly, you can send us an email [email protected] with your node details (node id and ip address etc).

Appendix A: Existing Node ID qualified to be paid by NKN Foundation

We will use the data crawled by our open source crawler to determine the Generate ID transaction that NKN foundation will pay for. To be qualified, a node needs to have port 30001-30005 open (same as the mining requirement for nknd) and was online for at least one crawling period (10 minutes) during UTC 00:00 April 19 to UTC 06:00 April 23. If a node has changed its public key during this period, only the last one will be qualified. A node also needs to continue being online during Phase 2 to be qualified.