Swap Tool not Running?

I have a small amount of NKN (68) in a wallet left over from when mining used to work.
I want to to send it to my Binance wallet but see that the Swap Tool is not running…?
When will this be available again?

Also is it Mainnet to ERC20 that I need to do?


Please refer to this link:NKN Mainnet Token Swap Update 2020

Thanks so its another month away…
I see the min to swap is 100, as i only have 68 and no matter what I do nothing is mined anymore, I mined for 3 months with no rewards, what options are there to get these funds out?

Hello @Dudester

You can create an account on Upbit, they use both ERC20 and mainet wallets


I created an account and had a look at Upbit but can only see nkn/btc with only one nkn wallet…?