After the update to v0.8.0-alpha-109-g7f51

After a reboot and autoupdate of v0.8.0-alpha-94-g7ac85 to v0.8.0-alpha-109-g7f51, the nodes are failing.
Attached image…


g7f51 is the v0.9 version (devnet). Do you want to join the testnet (v0.8) to earning mining reward, or join the devnet (v0.9) for testing but no mining reward?

These nodes work altruistically …
Others are in the testnet without problems …

OK, if you are intended to join the devnet, you need to make sure both your config and your local chain db match the devnet. I’d recommend do 2 things:

  1. Make sure GenesisBlockProposer in your config.json is the same as the one in config.testnet.json in v0.9 branch. Specifically, the value should be 040149c42944eea91f094c16538eff0449d4d1e236f31c8c706b2e40e98402984c
  2. If the problem persists, you can reset your local chain db by removing the ChainDB folder.

But before that, I’d recommend waiting a bit because in g7f51 we just merged a few breaking changes (and we didn’t know you update so early!). We will very soon update the db version and try to update the entire devnet. It’s better to do it after that if the problem still exists.

Thank you very much for altruistically contribution.

We merged yesterday and it is a Feature (Breaking change), means that incompatible with previous version.

Since there is a reviewing PR #503 on the way. We plan to take the incompatible upgrade action after PR #503 was merged.

We will publish a notification after incompatible upgrade completed. Welcome you participate in our more stable more efficient devnet.

Thanks for the info…
I checked the GenesisBlockProposer and it was correct.
I did not want to delete the Chain folder of the updated nodes because yesterday I lifted two new nodes and they are WaitForSyncing …
Also the new facilities fail …
So I will wait for the new version …
If I do not know what to touch, better not to touch hehehe
Thanks !

Since I can not stand still, I have deleted the ChainDB folder and WaitForSyncing is blocked …


v 95-g9770…


A few PR is coming today and new version will be ready then!

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This one( looks like v0.8 testnet block height.
Others nodes in v0.9 testnet.

Is it you expectation?

devnet has been upgraded to latest version of v0.9

I’ve around 20 nodes running on testnet (V.0.8.2Alpha)…
And 6 nodes working v.0.9… On different locations…
Around the world :laughing:

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