ALLinONE-nknnode script, deploy nodes faster, with your own ChainDB!

dont use pro unless you need it, use non pro

wallet info, you should have that saved from when you created the wallet.

Look in picture plz
when i run below commad i got this result
./nknc info --balance “Wallet address”

Screenshot 2021-04-16 at 18.57.41

tell me you beneficiary wallet address

where can i see beneficiary wallet address ?

it’s the wallet address you used to configure the node deploy in my script.

Also please tell me you saved the password, secret seed and keystore when you created it?

yes i thing i have those details when I configure nodes because I added wallet address which i created on nkn website create wallet option and its give wallet address key etc ect and that same show when u completed script yes ?

Oh waoo I have 11 and other server 12 and not showing in my dashboard nknx website ?
so how i can do that or add wallet on emobile application ?

import the wallet information into the app? Import, then NKN mainnet

use the Keystore information + wallet password
use the secret seed + wallet password
just check you wallet address on Nscan to see if you received anything.

Confused now… last time u said the actual NKN rewards go to wallet I add and i can see that wallet address by running below command

systemctl status nkn-commercial

when i run this command above i can see my wallet address I added and on same wallet address all the rewards NKN go and I can see the balance reward "11 " when I run command below

./nknc info --balance “Wallet address”

but when i run command below its ask for password and its show different wallet address

./nknc wallet --list account

??? and in that wallet balance is 0

again I tell you.

NKN node wallets are there so the node can transfer the NKN to your beneficiary address after it gets a reward.

Did you use the same beneficiary address in the script when you were installing the nodes?
Do you have wallet info (keystore, secret seed number, password)?

I told you to please show me your beneficiary wallet address so I can see if it’s really empty.


it indeed is empty.

IP addresses of your nodes please so i can see if they really earned anything

can i check by server ip address if i earn ?
how ?
that will be more helpful input your IP

proposalSubmitted: 0

Means you haven’t gotten any blocks yet on this server.

on other server Ip when search on this website its show

  • jsonRpcPort: 30003,
  • proposalSubmitted: 1,
  • protocolVersion: 30,

Hi no112358!
Does the option 3; 2 rewrites the existing chaindb file or generates a new one? If it generates a new one, how do I delete the previous one? I want to update that file to download it from other servers and save time :smile:

Thanks for your help (no112358) , Finally I made 11 NKN on one of VPS Node and added that wallet in mobile eMobile application of NKN ( Pictures attached)

same wallet I added on NKNx Dashboard but some reason not showing reward in Nodes page but when i click Wallet its show there Balance rewards

Screenshot 2021-04-16 at 21.08.30 Screenshot 2021-04-16 at 21.08.07

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no112358 - how can I send you few NKN which I made it?
Thats all I done because you help me a lot please

do not use it like that, I will make new feature to update the database on existing chain server

Dunno what will happen to be honest :smiley: