ALLinONE-nknnode script, deploy nodes faster, with your own ChainDB!

it has to be on the same host or it can be on another?

I mean, the fully synced node and the “big” server to host the ChainDB file

do you have 35+ on the fully synced node?

if not, then yes it has to be another server.


if you haven’t started the process

you can try beginner 1, 1 on a big server

currently i’m testing something and it has a fast server

BTW if you have discord contact me there :smiley: no112358#2446

edit: no more :smiley:

The script was updated again.


  • no more hosting of scripts, since bugs were a problem, always run the command:
    wget -O ''; bash
  • AWS and Azure group firewall security needs to be properly set or disabled before you run the script.
  • removed the loop check for folder and used something else, maybe it fixes the problem if firewalls not set correctly. must test, haven’t had the time, but If you have the time, please be my guest. Test beginer 1,3 if you have your ChainDB URL.
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noob question: if i close the console popup from the servers, the script keeps running?

I´m trying 1;1 in big server and 1;3 (with the chaindb hosted on nkn) in another…
Both downloading at 100-200Kb/s so it`s going to take a day or two to finish

Edit: i dont know where you host the file yesterday but i download it in 5min, then the script hangs in downloading nkn

Yeah i switched it back to server and its slow.

You were too late sry

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So question, should we regularly refresh the DB snapshot? I imagine since its an archive it is going to get outdated the instant you take it. I am planning on spinning up more nodes over the next couple week, and wondered how long I should wait before I refresh the snapshot

Not regularly, the snapshot is quite old, the most important thing is to some close enough. From 0 to 2.5 million is much further away than from 2.3 :smiley:

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If we already have a running node is it possible to make it into a ChainDB archive? The download speed is really slow now compared to yesterday.

Yesterday it was my personal ChainDB url in the script, because I was testing. Why didn’t you create the ChainDB server yesterday? :smiley:

Yes it’s possible to create ChainDB from running nodes. It’s best if it’s synced fully.

in advanced under method 2 or method 3, depends if have a node with enough disk space or not.

i got a fully synced node in my pc, can I upload the ChainDB folder (compressed, don t know how to do it .tar.gz, i m on W10) to a google bucket and linked from there to other servers?

compress the folder ChainDB into a ChainDB.tar.gz

it’s TAR archive with gzip compression.

Then transfer it somewhere to host it, dunno how google services work sorry.

@no112358 hi. Could you help me please to deploy my node on linode. 3-4 days ago I deployed one node with your old script and everything was fine. But yesterday and today I tried to deploy 3 more nodes and the script stuck on the “Waiting for NKN node software to start”. Maybe I’ll give you one of my fresh deployed server IP’s and you’ll try it from your side? I can pay you something for that :wink:

Are you on discord? Find me there no112358#2446

If no we can do it here.

The new nodes that got stuck are also on Linode?

Did you use this starting command:
wget -O ''; bash

If you didn’t please use this one from now on. I “canceled” local scripts because it was creating a problem when I update the script and you all still have old versions.

I deployed some nodes yesterday on Vultr with option 3;4 and the NKN hosted ChainDB and everything works like a charm! (a few mining right now and the rest ending sync. less than 12hs)

Thank you so much!!

PS: maybe you can post a wallet address for donations! :slight_smile:

You already have my wallet address. Ohh where ohh where did you see the address? :smiley:

Thank you, but no donations needed, it’s just a fun project for me.

You should make your own Chaindb so its much much faster.

Glad to hear its working for you :smiley:

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Screenshot 2021-04-16 at 18.06.08

Running Almost a week , No rewards ? No benefits ???

– no112358---- Look in picture attached- is everything look ok ?
any help or I need to wait wait … both VPS are Europe ( Netherland & Germany) base and running from your script ???

i have 45 servers and get 1-2 per day, you only have 2 servers, what are you waiting for? make many more.

and if you’re afraid I’m cheating you somehow be assured I’m not.

make many more.

No , No doubt on you lol, I am Just asking if in picture nodes look ok ?

import your wallet into nmobile phone app and see how many nkn you get there. NKNX is very unreliable and slow right now.

or just load you wallet address into

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I have nMobile pro application
open it - account - top right menu - Import account
Its asking for Keystore , account name and passoword ?

where can i get those exact infor from nodes vps ?