Block reward from which node?

Is there a way to tell which node a block reward came from if you have 2 nodes going to the same beneficiary wallet address?
Also is there a github or other, text of all commands for nknc and nknd and their descriptions to read for quick reference?

You can add the node ip address to the and it will show which node got the reward

Thanks but I was looking for a command to return from the node that I could see myself. How do they do it?

I found a listing of commands here

So does nknx list block found per node by querying the nonce of the node wallet?

@zbruceli you are the most knowledgeable of NKN . If you have time can you please help me with this problem of how to detect which node mined a block? can show you which node mined a block in the last 24 hours.

Another way is either use or command line below to find the node info:

nknc info -s --ip YOUR_NODE_IP_ADDRESS

You should see something like this:


* addr: "tcp://x.x.x.x:30001",
* currTimeStamp: 1616431582,
* height: 2441879,
* id: "yyyyyyyyyyyyy",
* jsonRpcPort: 30003,
* proposalSubmitted: 3,
* protocolVersion: 30,
* publicKey: "zzzzzzz",
* relayMessageCount: 40666236,
* syncState: "PERSIST_FINISHED",
* tlsJsonRpcDomain: aaaaaa,
* tlsJsonRpcPort: 30005,
* tlsWebsocketDomain: bbbbb,
* tlsWebsocketPort: 30004,
* uptime: 1600635,
* version: v2.0.7,
* websocketPort: 30002

One of the line is “proposalSubmitted: 3”, which means since this node is up it has mined 3 blocks (each 11.1 NKN). But it only counts since your last start, not its entire history as a node if the node has stopped or rebooted.

Thank you, thank you!