I have had to switch to a VPN due to what I suspect is my ISP restricting internet access while mining, and so my IP address is far more dynamic now, but it seems that right now it bases tracking of nodes on the IP Address? NKNX shows it is offline; nStatus shows it is offline (for both new and old address); nknc info -s
shows me this…
$ /home/nknx/nkn-commercial/services/nkn-node/nknc info -p -s
"id": "1",
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"addr": "tcp://[REDACTED]:30001",
"currTimeStamp": 1624920274,
"height": 2799157,
"id": "ce0121259377e913ad8484133fdfa15168c5f8f5b8c0b7f97bc1173e5512ef84",
"jsonRpcPort": 30003,
"proposalSubmitted": 0,
"protocolVersion": 40,
"publicKey": "[REDACTED]",
"relayMessageCount": 0,
"syncState": "PERSIST_FINISHED",
"tlsJsonRpcDomain": "[REDACTED].ipv4.nknlabs.io",
"tlsJsonRpcPort": 30005,
"tlsWebsocketDomain": "[REDACTED].ipv4.nknlabs.io",
"tlsWebsocketPort": 30004,
"uptime": 4506,
"version": "v2.1.4-1-ge32a",
"websocketPort": 30002
Right now it seems like it is mining, but I’m not entirely certain. What can I do to fix this?