Get password error: wait for set password

Hi all, I’m newbie. I tried to mining NKN on window 10 but I got this error. Could you help me or give me an guide line how to mining NKN on Window?
C:\Users\sang\Downloads\windows-amd64\windows-amd64>IF NOT EXIST config.json COPY default.json config.json
C:\Users\sang\Downloads\windows-amd64\windows-amd64>nknd.exe --web-gui-create-wallet
2021/12/07 10:02:17 Set SyncHeaderMaxSize to 810047
2021/12/07 10:02:17 Set SyncBatchWindowSize to 1009
2021/12/07 10:02:17 Set TxPoolMaxMemorySize to 64
2021/12/07 10:02:17.591393 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, Discovering NAT gateway…
2021/12/07 10:02:47.398622 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, No NAT gateway discovered, skip automatic port forwading. You need to set up port forwarding and firewall yourself.
2021/12/07 10:03:45.655544 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, Node version: v2.1.7
get password error: wait for set password

did you create your wallet.json and wallet.pswd file?

nknc wallet -c


C:\Users\sang\Downloads\windows-amd64\windows-amd64>IF NOT EXIST config.json COPY default.json config.json

should be “copy default.json config.json”

What do we do after that?

Because I have the same issue. How to access to web UI