Google Cloud 1-Click requires increase performance!

Hello, we have deployed several gcd f1-micro (1 vCPU, 0.6 GB memory) 1-click on the Google Cloud and everyone would have a warning about the shortage of power. When checking ip writes “syncState”: “OFFLINE”. Node starts to work only after its transfer to g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory). But that’s not all, everywhere prescribed redirection of funds to one wallet, but everywhere zero! Those Nodes that on g1-small (1 cpu, 1.7 GB memory) I have been working for several days, as I understand, something should have accrued!img-2019-08-02-17-05-45 img-2019-08-02-17-07-49

Hi, Google Cloud Computing naturally wants you to pay more, but don’t worry you don’t need to upgrade to the next size VM. Here is the trick:

Add a line in config.json like this (64 is for 1GB, you can use 32 or 16 for smaller amount of RAM)


After you change it, restart the machine and see if your syncState get to PersistFinished (mining state).

Complete reference here:



Did I do it right, should it look like this?
cd /home/nkn/go/src/
nano config.json
img-2019-08-03-15-25-21 img-2019-08-03-15-16-15

you are missing a “,” at the end of previous line “GenesisBlockProposer”…

I wrote in each node, except those that have already translated to g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory). And nothing has changed! ip and are offline, which is clearly visible on the charts!
An example of a node on f1-micro (1 vCPU, 0.6 GB memory):
An example of a node in g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory):


With all that of the 20 deployed nodes under different accounts, only those that are transferred to g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory) work. They have been working for a week, but even with them I have not accrued a single token! And okay I’m fully prescribed, so I created them in 1 - Click way! I do not even know what to do now, the money is written off, and zero profit!((

I am the only one who has such problems!? :((

Hi Illya, today the tool is open for public. You can add your nodes under its monitoring and see what might be the problem.

I only have 1 node running on GCP, and it is indeed using g1-small (1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory).