How dApps would interact with your layer?

dApp can use NKN API to utilize our network connectivity and traffic relay function on the networking layer. In addition, dApp will interact with the incentive layer for billing or mining. So dApp can be both consumer of as well as supplier for NKN network. In the future, we can explore providing NKN protocol to other blockchain system as their network layer. We can also explore opportunities to use NKN as a platform to dApp to issue their own token and write their own smart contracts. But those are longer term possibilities, and not our current focus. We need to make the foundation very solid.

One concrete example of what dApp can benefit from NKN is truly P2P messaging application. Today, because most of us are behind NAT (Network Address Translation) with private IP address as well as firewall, we have to rely on a central server to relay message. This applies to WhatsApp, FB Messenger, and Telegram. By using the NKN network, a messaging dApp can enable decentralized P2P messaging from day one without its own server infrastructure.