I have 6 Nodes that are running for 3 days now but haven't mined a single NKN yet. What shall I do?


I think the average reward per node is about one block every 3 weeks or so, could be more, could be less if you have luck :confused:

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Have you mined any since then? I am seeing not mining any blocks in 24hr with 75 nodes which is abnormal for me.

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i´m with 40 nodes and no block for me in the last 36hs or so… this is getting odd

Ya I deleted mine they were based in US. I’m going to try later in European servers to see if there is different results

Did you chek your wallet or nstatus.org? NKNx is not reliable for the moment

I found a block today, so it seems it´s still working, let see the next days