Is the project dead? Cannot swap tokens for few days!

i cannot swwap tokens via decicated tool. Receive message:

No enough NKN Mainnet Token

The team responded my mail, but the problem hasn’t been solved.
It seems it’s a terminated project, isn’t it?
Is there someone there who still wines and receive tokens for mining?


the NKN project is quiet alive and new miners are joining on a daily base … :slight_smile:
You can follow its evolution on

Regarding your swap maybe the system was refilled and emptied in between the time for you to try it and its refill?

What ever the best way to be able to swap is to join by email the team: [email protected]


Thank you!
The liquidity was provided and I swapped my NKN.
But now I have problem: after few days of “chain db sync started” my node is still offline :frowning:
I put it in the another thread.

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