Mining cannot generate ID even have added fee

my node cannot work due to following error,
2021/04/24 19:42:— [ERROR] GID 1, POST request: Post net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

2021/04/24 19:42:— [WARN ] GID 1, Ask my ID from error: Post net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

I configured “RegisterIDTxnFee”: 1 and transfered 1e-8 NKN to have a try. also noticed the height still under 2570000, please have a look what’s the problem here, thanks.

@zbruceli , according to 仅需支付少量NKN,即刻加入NKN网络, still failed up to now with same error. this node had never been added into network successfully for a couple of weeks which located in mainland China, the necessary ports were opened. just checked its status and found it still not mining these days.

Which state is it in according to “synching”? or “offline”?

it said “offline” @zbruceli

Then maybe it is related to your node that the ports are not open to the Internet. Can you please check your router uPnP settings, as well as port forwarding settings?

You can use this tool to check your public IPv4 address if your ports (especially 30001-30021) are open.

I don’t think it is port forwarding issue. this is a VPC and I manually opened the ports, also I used a tool to listen on 30000-30005 to test the ports if it can be accessed from internet. and nknd version is v2.1.1 which was upgraded automatically. any other problem there? @zbruceli I checked 30000-40000 were opened both for ipv4 & ipv6

error changed, likely a regression bug? this wallet have enough predefined fee 1e-8. @zbruceli
nknd version v2.1.1-4-gc648-dirty

[INFO ] GID 1, Pruning height: 2559778, length of refCounts: 649
[INFO ] GID 1, get no ID from local ledger
[INFO ] GID 1, GetID got resp: {“error”:{“code”:-45022,“data”:null,“message”:“No ID in this account, waiting for generate ID fee or generate ID transaction”},“id”:“1”,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”} from http://xxxxxx:30003

[INFO ] GID 1, GetNonceByAddr got resp: {“id”:“1”,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“result”:{“currentHeight”:2570060,“nonce”:0,“nonceInTxPool”:0}} from http://xxxxxx:30003

[INFO ] GID 1, CreateID got resp: {“error”:{“code”:-45021,“data”:“not sufficient funds”,“message”:“INTERNAL ERROR, can not append tx to txpool”},“id”:“1”,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”} from http://xxxxx:30003

[WARN ] GID 1, create ID from http://xxxxx:30003 error: CreateID(http://xxxxxx:30003) resp error: {“error”:{“code”:-45021,“data”:“not sufficient funds”,“message”:“INTERNAL ERROR, can not append tx to txpool”},“id”:“1”,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”}
[WARN ] GID 1, Create ID error: create ID failed
[WARN ] GID 1, Failed to create ID. Make sure node’s wallet address has enough balance for generate ID fee, or use another wallet to generate ID for this node’s public key.

seems height already over 2570000, it’s function as design?

This is part of the phase 2 of mainnet upgrade. Please keep your nodes online, so at certain point it will generate new ID.

Same here, new node with 10 NKN in wallet can not generate new ID