Mining error and warn

Hello. I started node on my pc home. I have white ip and 100mbit internet, ports 30001 to 30003 are open.
My web page shows that i am mining.
Is it ok to have errors and warn in cmd window?
Thank you.

Yes, it is ok to have errors and warnings in the console window. I believe the latest NKN node software needs TCP ports 30001-30021 open.

You can use the following tool to check your node status, by inputing your public IPv4 address.

Any advice how i can fix? Thanks in advance!

Screenshot 2021-04-12 at 12.10.39 AM

Logs always show a lot of info, for developers. If you check your node status on or and your node is mining (or “PERSIST_FINISHED”), then you can safely ignore the warnings and errors.