My wallets stacked again. needs help, pls

hi there:
After I transfer 10 nkns from NKNXJZJbagZKfPTkxVD21CLDVz8yoj3HSB17 to my new nodes NKNRX4EAyeqrnBd1W1hcHQnaWpTamxGFE6N1 , my wallet is stacked, the transfer is not finished. And my new node seems to get the 10 nkn, but still can’t generate id… Any one one can help me out there? tks!

and I got logs on node NKNRX4EAyeqrnBd1W1hcHQnaWpTamxGFE6N1 like this: Is there something wrong with the transcations?
GID 1, CreateID got resp: {“error”:{“code”:-1,“data”:“duplicate GenerateID txns”,“message”:“INTERNAL ERROR, Duplicate transaction”},“id”:“1”,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”} from