- Content Delivery in 2020
- New Encrypted-Stream Library
- New Features Available on Community Built NKNx Explorer
- 2020 Scheduled Tokens Unlocked
- June will be a hot month: NKN 2.0 incoming!
Mainnet technical development updates
Latest Mainnet Stats June 2, 2020:
38 countries & regions
176 ISPs or cloud providers
15,703 full consensus nodes
The latest stable release for mainnet is v1.1.7-beta
(https://github.com/nknorg/nkn/releases )
Content Delivery in 2020
On May 27th, NKN published the article, “Content Delivery in 2020” as part of its nLearning series on the official NKN blog. Online services use CDNs to overcome limitations within the Internet infrastructure to improve the end user experience and provide nearly instantaneous access to content. The article looks at the CDN solutions available in 2020, including NKN’s own nCDN, as well as the performance and business benefits these solutions can have for any online website, application, or service.
New Encrypted-Stream Library
NKN CTO, Yilun Zhang, has created a new Golang Library called encrypted-stream which transforms any net.Conn or io.ReadWriter stream to an encrypted and/or authenticated stream. The library will be used as part of TUNA, NKN’s network tunneling service, for end to end encryption. Check out encrypted-stream and other open source NKN projects at: https://github.com/nknorg
New Features on Community Built NKNx Explorer
On May 31st, the community built NKNx blockchain explorer was updated to provide new sigchain and websocket features. Now, users can see the rewarded node right in the sigchain window. In addition, the explorer is now using a new, free websocket feature with faster access to block information. Visit the NKNx explorer at https://explorer.nknx.org/
2020 Scheduled Tokens Unlocked
On May 28th, the 2nd round of tokens were unlocked for the NKN Foundation and the team in accordance with the NKN economic model and schedule:
Foundation: 170,000,000 in total
- 1st unlock: 56,666,667, May 28th, 2019
- 2nd unlock: 56,666,667, May 28th, 2020
- 3rd unlock: 56,666,667, May 28th, 2021
Team/Developer: 180,000,000 in total
- 1st unlock: 60,000,000, May 28th, 2019
- 2nd unlock: 60,000,000, May 28th, 2020
- 3rd unlock: 60,000,000, May 28th, 2021
The NKN Foundation and Team have no immediate plans to move these unlocked tokens, either for internal use or for external use. We do not plan to sell any of the team or foundation tokens on exchanges in the foreseeable future, since we have enough funds for ongoing operations.
We welcome everyone to continue to monitor our foundation and team wallets.
June will be a hot month: NKN 2.0 incoming!
As the weather gets hotter, we have a lot of sizzling news to look forward to. June 2020 will be an action packed month due to NKN 2.0 launching with a torrent of technical and commercial hits. To give a high level hint:
- Security audit report
- NKN 2.0 Mainnet
- nMobile iOS and Android
- NKN Commercial software release
- NKN Roadmap: Beyond 2020
Note: title image by Tom
About NKN
NKN is the new kind of P2P network connectivity protocol & ecosystem powered by a novel public blockchain. We use economic incentives to motivate Internet users to share network connections and utilize unused bandwidth. NKN’s open, efficient, and robust networking infrastructure enables application developers to build the decentralized Internet so everyone can enjoy secure, low cost, and universally accessible connectivity.
Home: https://nkn.org/
Email: [email protected]
Telegram: https://t.me/nknorg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NKN_ORG
Blog: https://blog.nkn.org
Forum: https://forum.nkn.org
Medium: https://medium.com/nknetwork
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nknetwork/
Github: https://github.com/nknorg
Discord: https://discord.gg/yVCWmkC
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/NKNORG