Nkn deploy node problem - W10 - Please Help!

Hello everyone,
I’m new here, and i’m would strart this new project, startink a node to mine some nkn.
I’m trying to configure a new node, step by step looking at Web-UI for NKN mining nodes (Windows Edition), but i have some problems.
I have open ports on my router ( 30001-30005) and made static internal ip on my pc to associate ports forwarding, updated and renamed the file config.json, I’have a dynamic public ip by my internet provider, but while trying to execute the command throuth cmd my system respond me :
C:\NKNS>nknd.exe --web-gui-create-wallet
2021/04/13 11:14:11 Set SyncHeaderMaxSize to 101730
2021/04/13 11:14:11 Set SyncBatchWindowSize to 506
2021/04/13 11:14:11 Set TxPoolMaxMemorySize to 32
2021/04/13 11:14:11.047336 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, Discovering NAT gateway…
2021/04/13 11:15:08.348062 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, No NAT gateway discovered, skip automatic port forwading. You need to set up port forwarding and firewall yourself.
2021/04/13 11:15:08.350061 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, Node version: v2.0.8
wallet file wallet.json does not exist, please create a wallet using nknc
wallet file wallet.json does not exist, please create a wallet using nknc

I’m using version v2.0.8

What can i do?

Somebody could help me please?
Best regards guys

I forgot to tell that I also disabled windows firewall :confused:

you need to create a wallet, follow this guide:

First at all, thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately, I have created the wallet, local and beneficiary on web, but nothing changed.
I think its a network problem, but I’m not able to understand where the problem is. I have other devices for which I have opened ports and did forwarding and they works well, so it’s not my router issue I think… may be somothing related to the seeds mainnet or something ralted my public Ip. In fact it’s not static but dinamic, but it chages one time in 1 month , so I’dont have any idea :(((((((( very sad
For my other devices I used dydns service but here I’m not sure if it necessary

Add this command to your “start-gui.bat” (–no-nat) if you really have your ports open