NKN MainNet v1.0.5-beta Release

We released a new version v1.0.5-beta. This release contains the following changes:

  • Limit subscribe txn metadata size
  • Reduce maximum database file descriptor usage
  • Hide panic stacktrace to avoid showing building path
  • Add info -p pretty print for nknc -b, -t, --height

This is an incompatible upgrade, so upgrade is required.

  • If you are using one-click on DO/AWS/Google Cloud or one-click GUI, you don’t need to do anything.
  • If you downloaded the release version, you just need to download it again https://github.com/nknorg/nkn/releases , replace your nknd and nknc and run again
  • If you build from scratch, you just need to do the build again.
  • If you are using some scripts or tutorials that has auto-updator, then it should be automatic if the auto-updator is working properly.

The old version is deprecated to accelerate the upgrade process.

You probably don’t need to download the ChainDB snapshot manually, but if you really want or need, you can use https://nkn.org/ChainDB_latest.zip .

To update to the new version, please stop your nknd, rebuild (or download the latest binary from https://github.com/nknorg/nkn/releases ), and then restart. If you are using the GUI miner or auto-updater, then you just need to stop and restart and miner and it will upgrade automatically.

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