NKN MainNet v1.1.2-beta Release

We released a new version v1.1.2-beta. This is a major release that introduced various features. Particularly, every miner should read this:

  • Two more ports 30004 and 30005 need to be open in order to accept https/wss clients and receive more mining rewards!
  • The certs directory should be shipped together with nknd! It’s included in the release zip file, but if you are using your own script to install/update nodes, please remember to include/updates certs directory together!

Feature highlights:

  • Implement [NKP-0003] Providing https/wss endpoint for EVERY NKN node, now every node needs to open port 30001-30005 (two more ports 30004/30005 needs to be open) in order to accept https/wss clients and receive more rewards
  • Introducing go-upnp as another NAT traversal library to increase success rate
  • Starting http json server while generating id to allow node monitor get status earlier

This is a compatible upgrade, but upgrade is required to provide service to https/wss clients due to introducing ssl certificates. Old version might be deprecated soon to accelerate the upgrade process.

  • If you are using one-click on DO/AWS/Google Cloud, you just need to stop and restart and miner and it will upgrade automatically. But if your node is running on AWS/Google Cloud or other VPS that requires firewall settings, you need to add port 30004/30005 to the existing rules!
  • If you downloaded the release version, you just need to download it again https://github.com/nknorg/nkn/releases , replace your nknd and nknc and run again
  • If you build from scratch, you just need to do the build again.
  • If you are using some scripts or tutorials that has auto-updator, then it should be automatic if the auto-updator is working properly.

You probably don’t need to download the ChainDB snapshot manually, but if you really want or need, you can use https://nkn.org/ChainDB_pruned_latest.zip or https://nkn.org/ChainDB_pruned_latest.tar.gz for pruned ChainDB.

To update to the new version, please stop your nknd, rebuild (or download the latest binary from https://github.com/nknorg/nkn/releases ), and then restart. If you are using the auto-updater, then you just need to stop and restart and miner and it will upgrade automatically.