NKN Mining Guide for Mainnet: wiki version

It needs basic Linux command line operation. You need to ssh remote log into your DO droplet, and find the wallet.json and wallet.pswd in this directory:


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I dont understand this language, Im out. hopefully you guys make it easier to mine like Helium…

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Do I need to stake or own NKN to mine?

No. You can start a NKN full node to mine without owning any NKN.

I think this should be edited as it’s not true anymore. Everyone deploying a new node needs to deposit 10 NKN into the nodes wallet.

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Where do I find the nodes wallet? Devs should make a Youtube video explaining how to set it up… very confusing

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You are right, let me update the FAQ.

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Can someone make short video instruction on Youtube or here how to start mining from start to the end for all versions of mining Linux, Windows, wallets etc it would be most helpful.



i have a running node, i want to change node wallet address (not beneficial address). How to do?

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Add wallet.json and wallet.pswd data to the new node and that’s it.

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i mean i change my node wallet address. Not move to new node

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In this case, the generation will have to be paid again, if you are talking about the address to which you receive from all nodes, then use the changes in the files with the “beneficiaryAddr”

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But I assure you, the wallet address and its general appearance in no way affect the receipt of motivation.

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I dont mean beneficiary address. I just want to change node wallet address by some command

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Use “nano” to edit the file

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which file?

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I’m running 2.1.4 on my Mac Mini M1, and started with data from ChainDB_pruned_2605021.tar.gz file. My connection is a fast one about 150Mbps with static IP, UPnP enabled.

I notice that about every half and hour or so, the service nknd is stopped. The error messages were always “all workers failed”.

Any ideas why it failed too often?

CleanShot 2021-06-20 at 21.04.38

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Hello Ken and welcome :slight_smile:

It seems that your Mac have too many open files making the workers fail.
You can increase this limit with the following command :

sudo ulimit -n 2048



Nice thanks for sharing the information

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