NKN Mining Guide for Mainnet: wiki version

But I assure you, the wallet address and its general appearance in no way affect the receipt of motivation.

I dont mean beneficiary address. I just want to change node wallet address by some command

Use “nano” to edit the file

which file?


I’m running 2.1.4 on my Mac Mini M1, and started with data from ChainDB_pruned_2605021.tar.gz file. My connection is a fast one about 150Mbps with static IP, UPnP enabled.

I notice that about every half and hour or so, the service nknd is stopped. The error messages were always “all workers failed”.

Any ideas why it failed too often?

CleanShot 2021-06-20 at 21.04.38

Hello Ken and welcome :slight_smile:

It seems that your Mac have too many open files making the workers fail.
You can increase this limit with the following command :

sudo ulimit -n 2048


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Nice thanks for sharing the information