NKN Project Monthly Review with Dr. Whitfield Diffie and Cryptic Labs

Dr. Whitfield Diffie and Cryptic labs team members reviewed NKN monthly progress and provided technical guidance from a cryptographic perspective on May 25th of its consensus algorithm based on Cellular Automata concept and Ising model. We really appreciated Diffie’s advice on improving the efficiency of Verifiable Random Function and optimizing the connection to the client and server. We believe by the joint efforts of experts from cryptography, distributed information processing systems, computational neuroscience, telecom and technology commercialization, NKN will revolutionize the traditional network and rebuild the internet we always wanted.

It’s our honor that three members from Cryptic Labs also joined us to review our project status today as well: Humphrey Polanen(JD, Stanford/Accelerator for Blockchain Security), Herman Collins(Chief of Human Capital), Hilarie Orman(BS in mathematics, MIT/Former Chair of the IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee)

About Cryptic Labs and Dr. Whitfield Diffie

Cryptic Labs is a newly formed research accelerator specializing in fundamental research of cryptography. Cryptic Labs boasts a growing roster of renowned researchers both in the US and Europe, with Dr. Whitfield Diffie as its Chief Scientist.

Dr. Whitfield Diffie is an American cryptographer and one of the pioneers of public-key cryptography. Diffie and Martin Hellman’s 1976 paper New Directions in Cryptography introduced a radically new method of distributing cryptographic keys, which became the foundation of securing most of what we do digitally today.

About NKN:

NKN is the new kind of network connectivity protocol & ecosystem powered by blockchain for an open, decentralized, and shared Internet. We motivate users to share network connections, service providers to utilize unused bandwidth, and developers access to global peer to peer networking stack.

NKN’s goal is to revamp the $1.4 trillion communication business, where we face many challenges today such as inefficient resource utilization, lack of net neutrality, and centralized network control. By blockchainizing the network layer, NKN is providing the missing third pillar of internet infrastructure just as Ethereum has done for compute and ipfs for storage. Our core technical innovations are dynamic routing, Proof of Relay, highly scalable consensus, and token reward mechanism.

NKN is founded by Yanbo Li, former co-founder of Onchain and advised by Dr. Whitfield Diffie, the father of modern public key cryptography and 2015 Turing Award winner. NKN core team members come from Ex-Google, Qualcomm, Nokia, Amazon, and Baidu.


Email: [email protected]



Medium: https://medium.com/nknetwork

Github: https://github.com/nknorg