NKN Reward history by node

I have been using my-nkn.cloud to check rewards produced by individual nodes. That server went off-line in June 2024. It looks like the domain name expired and the domain registrar has taken over that domain.

I am wondering if anybody else has a method of checking which node has produced the reward when your beneficiary wallet gets a reward?

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Have you tried nknx.org or npool.io?

Or you can deploy my-nkn cloud on your own cloud vm.

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I was on nknx.org for my first year, but I didn’t want to pay to stay on. I then built my own internal dashboard and I was using my-nkn,cloud to look up individual node reward information. Today I added my nodes back to nknx.org. It appears that they are free now.

I have not used npool.io so I am not familiar with it.

If I had the code that my-nkn.cloud was using, I would build my own.

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If you go to the NKN mining FAQ Wiki page, under the “Monitoring” section, there are two open source projects that can build a miner’s portal on your own. I used one of them before, but I need to do some modifications since the original code were pretty old. But the modification should be small.Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 1.39.07 PM

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I just tried the nkn-dashboard script but after setting it up all I get is a blank white screen with small light blue text in the middle saying “{{nodesData.length}}/{{nodes.length}}” . That project references outside code which may be defunct already.

What I really want is an API that I can call from my current script I wrote that will get reward history for a node.

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Will the NKN Open API help?

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Yes I rebuilt my script to use this as a source for that datapoint.

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