NKN’s statement on Binance voting decision

Dear beloved supporters, investors and believers,

The final results of the Binance Community Coin of the Month Round 8 have been announced, and unfortunately, NKN was not chosen to be listed for free on Binance at the moment.

NKN project team can testify that we did not engage in any vote manipulation activities. We have followed the rules and competed with real people and real votes by rallying the community, family and friends. This is confirmed by Mr. Changpeng Zhao, CEO and Founder of Binance, in his latest tweet “All teams in this round acted with high integrity.”

Even though NKN is not listed immediately, we do believe that Binance and other exchanges have recognized the size, dignity and quality of our community and will list NKN in the near future.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank YOU for your unwavering support. We couldn’t have done this without YOU. YOU believed in us, worked tirelessly, and stood by us against all odds. Your unity, and respect for the rules and for other contenders are phenomenal.

Let’s keep the momentum strong with this battle hardened community, and achieve everything we aspire to. Together we grow strong!

With gratitude,

NKN team