Not able to join the NKN testnet , even after enabling the UPnP in router

Hi, devs I am not able to the test network even after enabling the UPnP in my router .
The Error I am getting is

Blockquote Tried all seeds but can’t got my external IP and nknID

my config.json is

“HttpWsPort”: 30002,

“HttpJsonPort”: 30003,

“SeedList”: [






“GenesisBlockProposer”: “0149c42944eea91f094c16538eff0449d4d1e236f31c8c706b2e40e98402984c”,

“BeneficiaryAddr”: “NKNao3noLGJptL7Lo5GSQGbh3TkgGYZNvx5E”,

“NAT”: false
