Question about reward

I’ve been running a node for 4-5 days now.
The Web UI says that I’m mining but I dont see any rewards.
This makes me skeptical that I set up the node correctly even though it seems to be working.

How long does it usually take for any rewards to show up?

Hi, it is easy to calculate how often a node will get a block reward on average. There are about 3,500 to 4,000 blocks every day, shared by the number of nodes. If, say today, there are 100,000 nodes. Then each node will get one block reward (11 NKN) every 25-30 days, on average.

Again I want to emphasize “on average”. Because each node will be different, and statistically the interval between each block reward can be dramatically different. And also the Internet speed and latency of the node will have impact on the mining reward as well.



I added two nodes. One from Digital Ocean and another one from my home raspberry pi. But it looks like it stuck in a sync state. If is trying to cath the over 2M blocks will never start mining. How do I proceed? Should I remove it from the node pool? And if I remove it from the node pool will still mine? Or should I leave it until catch up?

You should leave it and let it sync. Sometimes it takes several days to fully sync up. And then the nodes will start mining.

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Thank you for the quick and concise answer

I had the same issue couple days ago.
-Start with checking your node Ip on
-Check the line:

If you can read Persist_Finished just go back on your dashboard.
Delete your node and then add it back.
The status should have updated to Mining