I have some thoughts on the decentralized nature of this network. First off, I operate one full node from my pc at home. This node has been running for a week or so. When I heard about the NKN project recently, I thought this is something I should get involved in and contribute to. I like the idea behind the network, and the work (bandwidth + cpu power) that I contribute would be worthwhile.
I have read posts on the forums from users claiming to operate thousands of nodes on amazon or google cloud servers. On one hand I get it, people want to make some money off of it. On the other hand, it completely baffles me. I wonder how many people are behind these nodes, is it 100 people with hundreds or thousands of nodes on cloud servers? Or are there a lot of small guys like me running a node out of their home? Does running nodes for a decentralized network – on a centralized location – make sense logically? I see it makes sense economically, since those servers have way better latency connections than people running nodes from their homes.
With all the blocks mined in a day, it seems there are a few addresses that get blocks mined every few minutes. These are undoubtedly the mass deployed ‘nodes’ that are sitting in a centralized data center somewhere.
I’m trying to figure out who this network is really for, people who spend hundreds or thousands of dollars a day on node space, or for those who actually contribute to the decentralized nature of the network.
I have much to learn about this project and I am quite interested in it. As it stands now with how rewards are assigned, it seems like there isn’t much of a reason for me to operate a node that basically sits there and observes the network, not doing any real work. Rewards are assigned for doing work, right?
I look forward to hearing the opinions of my fellow community members.