Tutorial: How to manually download latest pruned ChainDB [GOOGLE CLOUD]

wget -O - “https://nkn.org/ChainDB_pruned_latest.tar.gz” -q --show-progress | tar -xzf -

There’s a problem with double quotes if you just copy paste the link. Delete and retype the quotes

I’m sure I’m an idiot, but what exactly am I supposed to type on Step #5? Thank you.

username@nkn-full-node-1-vm-1:~$ sudo su
root@nkn-full-node-1-vm-1:/home/username# cd
root@nkn-full-node-1-vm-1:~# cd nkn/nkn-commercial/services/nkn-node/
bash: cd: nkn/nkn-commercial/services/nkn-node/: No such file or directory
root@nkn-full-node-1-vm-1:~# rm -r ChainDB
rm: cannot remove ‘ChainDB’: No such file or directory
root@nkn-full-node-1-vm-1:~# cd username@nkn-full-node-1-vm-1
bash: cd: username@nkn-full-node-1-vm-1: No such file or directory

How would you do this on a windows node?

I am having a similar issue. Did you figure it out?

Same issue here, anyone figured it out yet??