Video AMA with NKN Core Team: February 2020

NKN AMA Feb 2020 English
Date and time:

  • February 20th, 2020, 17:00 GMT
  • February 20th, 2020, 9AM US Pacific
  • February 20th, 2020, 1AM Beijing

Webinar links

Please ask your questions here as well as live online.

Do you have any plans to hire more developers to code more dAPPs? If you don’t plan on hiring more developers then why not?

With several products now in beta, do you have an estimated time-line for v1 product releases? Specifically nMobile and nCDN?

There have been claims with regards to the number of nodes situated in US-East region which boil down to something like ~nodes are far more distributed but ip address lookup data is often incorrect~ can there be any data provided to proof this as I cant find any concrete evidence that would suggest this is true.

Its often claimed NKN is the largest blockchain in number of full consensus nodes, could there perhaps be some kind of article preferable with some technical insights into the significance of ‘full consensus’ over other type of larger node networks and comparisons with other chains that claim to have the largest network.

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From Telegram by Snoopy, [Feb 19, 2020 at 3:47:16 PM]:

Could someone please ask team about business development tomorrow? It really is the main focus right now and some more visibility there would be great

  1. the security audit
  2. commercial negotiation update with chinese youtube
  3. network usage stats would be great
  4. outlook on other companies in the pipeline
  5. nCDN beta adoption

or just general 6) outlook on NKN network usage

I have a few questions:

In the bi-weekly report you mentioned giving aid to multiple different companies via nkn tools through your partnership with China Mobile. Can you elaborate on that?

How is the progress of exchanges migrating the NKN ERC-20 markets over to mainnet tokens?

Are you applying to any new exchanges as of recently?

How is Yanbo doing? We hear from much of the team but it seems as if he likes being behind the scenes.

Thank you,


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  1. Can you tell us what’s happenning with improved tokenomics of NKN? Haven’t heard about it in quite a while.

  2. What steps are being taken to reduce NKN’s token velocity? You probably know some working projects that have a real working utility token, but the token itself isn’t getting more expensive. How NKN token will capture NKN Network Value?

  1. On one occasion, Bruce told that the potential partners would love to see much higher number of nodes because they need high bandwidth. The number of nodes in China is very low, but on the other occasion Bruce told it would not be a problem to ramp up the number of nodes in China when needed.
    Now we have the situation that the network is heavily underutilized in the current state, but the potential partner need bigger network with more bandwidth.
    Who will make the first move? Will you ramp up the number of nodes in China to show your potential partners that you have the infrastructure that can fulfill their needs, or are you waiting for your partners to sign the partnership trusting that you will be able to fulfill their requirements?

  2. Are you working on NKN 2.0 as planned? Which problems are you trying to solve with 2.0?

  3. Please, don’t get offended with the following question :slight_smile:
    Why my sister’s cooking blog looks more professional than your website? :slight_smile:

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Hi, I will take the second question while leaving the first to @yilun.

In GGMesh’s NKN Primer, he digs into “why more consensus nodes are important”, and also compares the node count of NKN to Bitcoin:

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There have been claims with regards to the number of nodes situated in US-East region which boil down to something like ~nodes are far more distributed but ip address lookup data is often incorrect~ can there be any data provided to proof this as I cant find any concrete evidence that would suggest this is true.

Below is our own mainnet nodes on Google Cloud. None of them are U.S. nodes, while ALL of them are considered as U.S. IP address at You can try it yourself :slight_smile:


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Thanks for taking the time to answer, also tried them on another service, about half would should up as being in another continent but then have incomplete data sadly.