Web-UI for NKN mining nodes (Windows Edition)

Yes this means you are all good. And the explorers have found your node. It might take a while for the pruning, so please be patient.

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Thanks for the help.

Hi, Status is now ‘Mining’ I was just wondering if there is any way to utilise more CPU/GPU power into mining? Currently my intel CPU is running at 21% and nvidia GPU is at 7%. I have set the priority in task manager to nkn.exe to high. Also I have noticed that my network bandwidth is not being utilised much at all…

NKN node mines by relaying data, so CPU/GPU usage is not very meaningful. The network usage will vary depending on how much traffic there are in the network (determined by the users), so there won’t be any wasted work. When your network usage is not high, every node in the network will have similar stats, and it won’t affect your chance of mining.

Thanks! I read a bit more about the technology and it seem a sensible step forward to a decentralised Network. Could you point me to any information on mining tokens or earnings from relaying messages? I’ve been a node/mining for half a week and not any earnings have shown at all. I’m assuming the earnings are based on how many messages you are relaying and this is dependent on traffic on the network and isp latency. If you are gong to do this and have widespread adoption it needs to be worth its salt for nodes to remain on the network. Also I’ve noticed that the mining is interrupted a lot by syncing but I suppose that the nature of blockchain. Nkn is the first cryptocurrency I’m trying as from my research it seems to have more of a point to it such as low latency video streaming applications etc. And the value of nkn is attributed to the network you are building (providing the model is sustainably profitable).

Depending what you want to know, you might want to read:

I’ve been a node/mining for half a week and not any earnings have shown at all.

This is normal. Currently there are 20k+ nodes while only ~4k blocks are mined per day, so each node only mine around 1 block per week on average. But this is just average, your network and luck matter a lot.

Also I’ve noticed that the mining is interrupted a lot by syncing but I suppose that the nature of blockchain.

A node with perfect network shouldn’t enter syncing state form mining state unless nknd restarts. So if you are not restarting nknd while it still enters syncing state from mining state, it usually means the communication with neighbors was briefly interrupted. But this should matter much unless it’s doing that very frequently.

Nkn is the first cryptocurrency I’m trying as from my research it seems to have more of a point to it such as low latency video streaming applications etc. And the value of nkn is attributed to the network you are building (providing the model is sustainably profitable).

Welcome to the decentralized world!

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Thanks Yilun!

Help, i followed the structions, it shows a green dot. it says: “chain db sync started”. it’s been like this for over a day. Recommendations?

It seems normal. Depending your machine and Internet connection, it could take up to a couple of days.

ERROR]e[m GID 1, seed list in config file should not be blank — using CMD
e[0;31m[ERROR]e[m GID 1, parse BeneficiaryAddr error: invalid character ‘0’ in decoding a base58 string — using PowerShell

Good day.

Please may you assist. me. my Router’s uPnP is enabled but I cant access the web interface.

I get: This site can’t be reached refused to connect

When I try to configure forwarding (TP Link Router), it sees the above IP as invalid.

Thanks in advance

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thanks, after 2 days it says mining. I have been mining for 2 days now. i have an i7 4790T computer with a basic nvidia graphics card. i don’t see any balance in my current wallet status. how long does it take to aquire NKN tokens, even in small amounts? i know mining can be slow for other cryptos, just wondering how long this takes. Thank you!

It is actually fairly easy to estimate the statistical average: there are about 3,600-4,000 blocks every day, spread over 100,000 nodes, so on average each node will get a block reward (11 NKN) every 25-30 days. But individual node can vary a lot between each other, and from day to day.

thanks, so in about 30 days i could expect to see maybe 11 NKN? i am running the software from this forum.

nScan.io is showing 29k nodes today, i got a lot of nodes that shows “offline” in nStatus and in Node Manager from nknx.org… something wrong with the network?

You can use explorer.nkn.org at the meantime.

We are checking with nknx community developer team to see the current status of nstatus.org and nknx.org.

How much hard disk space is required to sync database and for mining please?

Hello everyone,
I’m new here, and i’m would strart this new project, startink a node to mine some nkn.
I’m trying to configure a new node, step by step looking at Web-UI for NKN mining nodes (Windows Edition), but i have some problems.
I have open ports on my router ( 30001-30005) and made static internal ip on my pc to associate ports forwarding, updated and renamed the file config.json, I’have a dynamic public ip by my internet provider, but while trying to execute the command throuth cmd my system respond me :
C:\NKNS>nknd.exe --web-gui-create-wallet
2021/04/13 11:14:11 Set SyncHeaderMaxSize to 101730
2021/04/13 11:14:11 Set SyncBatchWindowSize to 506
2021/04/13 11:14:11 Set TxPoolMaxMemorySize to 32
2021/04/13 11:14:11.047336 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, Discovering NAT gateway…
2021/04/13 11:15:08.348062 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, No NAT gateway discovered, skip automatic port forwading. You need to set up port forwarding and firewall yourself.
2021/04/13 11:15:08.350061 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, Node version: v2.0.8
wallet file wallet.json does not exist, please create a wallet using nknc
wallet file wallet.json does not exist, please create a wallet using nknc

I’m using version v2.0.8
Tried both version amd64 and 386 version.
Also disabled Windows firewall and router firewall, but nothing to do.

What can i do?

Somebody could help me please?
Best regards guys

getting these errors trying to set up.
2021/04/15 15:09:50.867947 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, GetID got resp: {“error”:{“code”:-45022,“data”:null,“message”:“INTERNAL ERROR, there is no ID in account”},“id”:“1”,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”} from http://mainnet-seed-0037.nkn.org:30003

2021/04/15 15:09:51.249716 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, GetID got resp: {“error”:{“code”:-45022,“data”:null,“message”:“INTERNAL ERROR, there is no ID in account”},“id”:“1”,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”} from http://mainnet-seed-0002.nkn.org:30003

2021/04/15 15:09:51.368509 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 182, read resourceFile err: open certs\151-228-160-97.ipv4.nknlabs.io.resource.json: The system cannot find the file specified.
2021/04/15 15:09:51 [INFO] [151-228-160-97.ipv4.nknlabs.io] acme: Obtaining bundled SAN certificate
2021/04/15 15:09:51.643332 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, GetID got resp: {“error”:{“code”:-45022,“data”:null,“message”:“INTERNAL ERROR, there is no ID in account”},“id”:“1”,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”} from http://mainnet-seed-0034.nkn.org:30003

2021/04/15 15:09:51.717622 ←[0;31m[ERROR]←[m GID 182, apply cert failed: acme: error: 429 :: POST :: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-order :: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:rateLimited :: Error creating new order :: too many certificates already issued for: nknlabs.io: see https://letsencrypt.org/docs/rate-limits/, url:
2021/04/15 15:09:52.006961 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, GetNonceByAddr got resp: {“id”:“1”,“jsonrpc”:“2.0”,“result”:{“currentHeight”:2530538,“nonce”:0,“nonceInTxPool”:0}} from http://mainnet-seed-0042.nkn.org:30003

2021/04/15 15:09:52.006961 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 1, Creating generate ID txn. This process may take quite a few minutes…
2021/04/15 15:09:52.329098 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 182, read resourceFile err: open certs\151-228-160-97.ipv4.nknlabs.io.resource.json: The system cannot find the file specified.
2021/04/15 15:14:50.746057 ←[0;32m[INFO ]←[m GID 184, https server is unavailable yet

I’m getting this error (Windows 10 x64)

2021/04/16 23:00:53 Config file not exists, use default parameters.
2021/04/16 23:00:53 Set SyncHeaderMaxSize to 153842
2021/04/16 23:00:53 Set SyncBatchWindowSize to 766
2021/04/16 23:00:53 Set TxPoolMaxMemorySize to 49
2021/04/16 23:00:53.512150 ←[0;31m[ERROR]←[m GID 1, seed list in config file should not be blank

Thank you for your help