nknx is reporting 3 blocks mined but my beneficiary wallet has 166nkn ~15 blocks
I know nknx is in limited mode. I have 11 nodes running for a few weeks.
I would like to know what are the nodes that generated the reward.
I’ve checked with nstatus.org each IP as described
but I could only find one with “proposal submitted” different from 0, in the case 1.
Is that normal?
This is one sample:
- addr: “tcp://x.x.x.x:30001”,
- currTimeStamp: 1619475192,
- height: 2571340,
- id: “*******”,
- jsonRpcPort: 30003,
- proposalSubmitted: 0,
- protocolVersion: 40,
- publicKey: “********”,
- relayMessageCount: 4018162,
- syncState: “PERSIST_FINISHED”,
- tlsJsonRpcDomain: 143-198-98-114.ipv4.nknlabs.io,
- tlsJsonRpcPort: 30005,
- tlsWebsocketDomain: 143-198-98-114.ipv4.nknlabs.io,
- tlsWebsocketPort: 30004,
- uptime: 29611,
- version: v2.1.1-6-g78361,
- websocketPort: 30002