Why both NKNx & nPool are not working?

Hi guys,

Yesterday, I deployed some servers on both NKNx & nPool yet after 24 hours none of my servers is working, why?

I noticed @Npool has zero available wallets maybe that’s why

But for NKNx was asking for “Generate ID” while my wallets have their IDs for over 2 years, thus, why asking “Generate ID” again? @ChrisT

Come on guys, I need to know what is happening…


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When your node says “Generate ID” it means that the wallet of the node you deployed has not enough funds to generate an ID (10.1 NKN).

Or did you change your wallet file to the newly deployed node?

If that is the case you should give the node a restart so it recognizes the new one.


Hi @ChrisT,

How are you doing? I hope you’re doing excellent.

All my wallets have an ID since from April/May 2021

But why do I have to generate another ID? Does my previous ID expire or what?

Thank you for understanding.


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No, no ID expires. There are just two kind of wallets:

  1. The wallet where the node mines to - this doesn’t need any ID generated
  2. The wallet each node has - this needs to generate an ID to join the network

So If you spin up a new node this node needs to generate an ID.

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I deployed new servers then I replaced the new wallet without ID with my old wallet with ID

I used to so and my server are working but it’s not working this time, why?

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That is why I asked :slight_smile:

Gave the server a restart? You need to restart the NKN node to make it use the new wallet.

Of course, I restarted all my servers all the time but this time is not working…

Still getting “Generate ID” that is my prostration

mhmm… you need some more in-depth troubleshooting then. I don’t have any idea what the best practice is when changing wallets on NKN commercial. So maybe we should wait until someone finds this topic or head over to discord - there are some guys who already did this.

is it the firewall issue?

Perhaps, I should try “Fast Deploy” with firewall disable

What do you think?

I don’t think so - NKNx gets a response from your nodes so that shouldn’t be a problem

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Ok, but do you mind posting the discord guide here?

I’m not a fan of discord, it too congested, I prefer open web more.

BTW, many people would find the guide here as well

Thanks @ChrisT

Update: All my servers are now connected and active online, mining NKN!

But there was a waiting period between 6-12 hours via NKNx, I don’t know why @ChrisT

Glad all servers are now connected online.

Thank you guys


I had a similar situation, I think the problem is the update timing for nodes with “Generate ID” status.
In general, through nstatus everything was displayed perfectly, the true status.
This problem is not critical, it is just worth waiting, in fact you are already in the status of PERSIST_FINISHED

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