After years of transmutation, the Internet is in danger of losing its original vision and spirit. For example, Network Neutrality is overturned; spectrum and bandwidth are not efficiently utilized; information is fragmented and can be censored; privacy protection is limited. These signal that the network needs a reform. Existing solutions are not suitable for next generation blockchain systems due to the following reasons:
Utilize a centralized approach to improve efficiency.
Sacrifice the scalability of the network to speed up consensus.
Limit participation rate of nodes or require authorization to increase “security”.
Use purely financial motivations or trusted third parties to solve problems which should be solved by mathematics and technology.
P2P Network Limitation Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks currently face several major challenges, which are the opportunities for NKN. First static network topology is vulnerable to faulty and malicious attack. Second, there is no economic self-incentivized scheme for network connectivity and data transmission. Finally, network scalability is widely sacrificed to enhance controllability.
Resource Utilization A highly reliable, secure and diverse Internet is essential to everyone. Yet, huge inefficiency exists in the current network when providing global connectivity and information transmission. It’s time to rebuild the network we want, not just patch the network we have. A fully decentralized and anonymous peer-to-peer system offers huge potential in terms of improved efficiency, sustainability and safety for industry and society.
Net Neutrality When the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved a measure to remove the net neutrality rules by the end of 2017, a demand of ending our reliance on big telecommunication monopolies and building decentralized, affordable, locally owned Internet infrastructure becomes ever stronger. The unrestricted and private Internet access environment is becoming unsustainable under an endless stream of attacks and blockage, leading to selective and biased information propagation. Without a proper incentivizing engagement scheme, it is almost impossible to maintain a constant and secured information propagation channel.
Furthermore, Internet has become fragmented due to various reasons. This not only exacerbates separation but also negatively impacts innovation of science, technology and economy.