Google Cloud
Gcloud has really slow servers only deploy there with a really up to date ChainDB.
Still shouldn’t be offline. I deployed 10 yesterday, no problems.
Check the nkn node logs, commands are scattered a few posts back.
How to check nkn node log
Hey! Sorry for late answer. I’m not very familiar with UNIX commands, so I’ll attach a screenshot. I will add that I deleted the server and re-created it with the desired security group. On nStatus, the server first showed Generating ID, but then it became Offline again.
show me info from nkn-node.log and nkn-node.log.1 if you have it
it seems he does not see the logs. Or is it not so?
use this to find your proper dir
cd “$(find / -type d -name “nkn-node” 2>/dev/null)”
damn formatting sorry
use this to find your proper dir
cd "$(find / -type d -name "nkn-node" 2>/dev/null)"
forum craps on the “” should be ""
Thank you). There is only No log files
do you have discord so you can screen share this weirdness?
Or just PM me the server IP, username, password so I can take a look on my own.
should look like this:
I feel like an idiot)))) Where are the personal messages? Can you write to me and I will throw off the key file?
ehh… don’t give me your private keys lol
get discord and you’ll stream it to me
It hurts, but this forum no longer allows me to write messages in person. Everything is the same with new servers. I can record video from server creation to missing node.
P.S. Received no firewall warnings. They were on different servers, but that’s another story.
just delete the effected servers and make new ones.
I have no idea what happened. weird that the user home folder got deleted. Shouldnt happen.
I’ll record a video anyway
Thanks for sharing the script and your very useful information.
can you make a video tutorial that explains the deployment of a VPS via ssh please … it will help many people