type Configuration struct {
Version int `json:"Version"`
SeedList []string `json:"SeedList"`
HttpWssDomain string `json:"HttpWssDomain"`
HttpWssCert string `json:"HttpWssCert"`
HttpWssKey string `json:"HttpWssKey"`
HttpWsPort uint16 `json:"HttpWsPort"`
HttpWssPort uint16 `json:"HttpWssPort"`
HttpJsonPort uint16 `json:"HttpJsonPort"`
HttpsJsonDomain string `json:"HttpsJsonDomain"`
HttpsJsonCert string `json:"HttpsJsonCert"`
HttpsJsonKey string `json:"HttpsJsonKey"`
HttpsJsonPort uint16 `json:"HttpsJsonPort"`
DefaultTlsCert string `json:"DefaultTlsCert"`
DefaultTlsKey string `json:"DefaultTlsKey"`
DefaultTlsDomainTmpl string `json:"DefaultTlsDomainTmpl"`
ACMEUserFile string `json:"ACMEUserFile"`
ACMEResourceFile string `json:"ACMEResourceFile"`
CertRenewBefore uint16 `json:"CertRenewBefore"` //in hours
CertCheckInterval time.Duration `json:"CertCheckInterval"` // in seconds
CertDirectory string `json:"CertDirectory"`
NodePort uint16 `json:"-"`
LogLevel int `json:"LogLevel"`
MaxLogFileSize uint32 `json:"MaxLogSize"`
MaxLogFileTotalSize uint32 `json:"MaxLogFileTotalSize"`
GenesisBlockProposer string `json:"GenesisBlockProposer"`
NumLowFeeTxnPerBlock uint32 `json:"NumLowFeeTxnPerBlock"`
LowFeeTxnSizePerBlock uint32 `json:"LowFeeTxnSizePerBlock"` // in bytes
MinTxnFee int64 `json:"MinTxnFee"`
RegisterIDRegFee int64 `json:"RegisterIDRegFee"`
RegisterIDTxnFee int64 `json:"RegisterIDTxnFee"`
Hostname string `json:"Hostname"`
Transport string `json:"Transport"`
NAT bool `json:"NAT"`
Mining bool `json:"Mining"`
MiningDebug bool `json:"MiningDebug"`
BeneficiaryAddr string `json:"BeneficiaryAddr"`
SyncHeaderMaxSize uint32 `json:"SyncHeaderMaxSize"`
SyncHeaderMaxMemorySize uint32 `json:"SyncHeaderMaxMemorySize"`
SyncBatchWindowSize uint32 `json:"SyncBatchWindowSize"`
SyncBlockHeadersBatchSize uint32 `json:"SyncBlockHeadersBatchSize"`
SyncBlocksBatchSize uint32 `json:"SyncBlocksBatchSize"`
SyncBlocksMaxMemorySize uint32 `json:"SyncBlocksMaxMemorySize"` // in megabytes (MB)
NumTxnPerBlock uint32 `json:"NumTxnPerBlock"`
TxPoolPerAccountTxCap uint32 `json:"TxPoolPerAccountTxCap"`
TxPoolTotalTxCap uint32 `json:"TxPoolTotalTxCap"`
TxPoolMaxMemorySize uint32 `json:"TxPoolMaxMemorySize"` // in megabytes (MB)
RPCReadTimeout time.Duration `json:"RPCReadTimeout"` // in seconds
RPCWriteTimeout time.Duration `json:"RPCWriteTimeout"` // in seconds
RPCIdleTimeout time.Duration `json:"RPCIdleTimeout"` // in seconds
RPCKeepAlivesEnabled bool `json:"RPCKeepAlivesEnabled"`
NATPortMappingTimeout time.Duration `json:"NATPortMappingTimeout"` // in seconds
LogPath string `json:"LogPath"`
ChainDBPath string `json:"ChainDBPath"`
WalletFile string `json:"WalletFile"`
MaxGetIDSeeds uint32 `json:"MaxGetIDSeeds"`
DBFilesCacheCapacity uint32 `json:"DBFilesCacheCapacity"`
AllowEmptyBeneficiaryAddress bool `json:"AllowEmptyBeneficiaryAddress"`
WebGuiListenAddress string `json:"WebGuiListenAddress"`
WebGuiPort uint16 `json:"WebGuiPort"`
WebGuiCreateWallet bool `json:"WebGuiCreateWallet"`
PasswordFile string `json:"PasswordFile"`
StatePruningMode string `json:"StatePruningMode"`
RecentStateCount uint32 `json:"RecentStateCount"`
RecentBlockCount uint32 `json:"RecentBlockCount"`
MinPruningCompactHeights uint32 `json:"MinPruningCompactHeights"`
RPCRateLimit float64 `json:"RPCRateLimit"` // requests per second
RPCRateBurst uint32 `json:"RPCRateBurst"`
SyncBlockHeaderRateLimit float64 `json:"SyncBlockHeaderRateLimit"` // headers per second
SyncBlockHeaderRateBurst uint32 `json:"SyncBlockHeaderRateBurst"`
SyncBlockRateLimit float64 `json:"SyncBlockRateLimit"` // blocks per second
SyncBlockRateBurst uint32 `json:"SyncBlockRateBurst"`
BlockHeaderCacheSize uint32 `json:"BlockHeaderCacheSize"`
SigChainCacheSize uint32 `json:"SigChainCacheSize"`
SyncMode string `json:"SyncMode"`
MaxRollbackBlocks uint32 `json:"MaxRollbackBlocks"`
Configuration options
- SeedList
Before a new node can join NKN network, it needs to acquire neighbor information from any of the existing live nodes in NKN network
When nknd is initiated, it will randomly pick a seed node, and send request to that seed node to get its neighbor list
Any live node can become seed node for others. NKN project team provide 8 seed nodes that can run stably for long period of time.
If HttpJson RPC service is using TLS for connection
- HttpJsonPort
NKNâs designated port for HttpJson service, and its default value is 30003.
- RPCCertăRPCKey
When HttpJson is using TLS connection, RPCCert is the certificate while RPCKey is the private key.
- HttpWsPort
NKNâs designated port for WebSocket service, and its default value is 30002. If the last 3 digits of port is 440 (for example 30443), then it is TLS connection.
- NodePort
nkn network overlay portïŒand its default value is 30001
- LogLevel
Level of logging: [0:Debug, 1:Info, 2:Warning, 3:Error]
- MaxLogSize
The maximum log file size before a new log file is created.
unit in MBïŒand its default value is 20MB
- GenesisBlockProposer
Public key of the designated generis block proposer, default value is the public key of NKN developer team.
- NumLowFeeTxnPerBlock
The number of low fee transactions that miners are willing to include within each block. 0 means there is no limit, and the default value is 0.
- LowFeeTxnSizePerBlock
The max allowed size (in Bytes) per block for all the low fee transactions. 0 means there is no limit. Default value is 4096.
- MinTxnFee
The minimum acceptable fee (in NKN) per transaction for this node. If the fees included in the transaction is lower than this, this transaction will not be included in the block. Default value is 0.1.
- RegisterIDRegFee
The amount registration fee this node is willing to pay for GenerateID. The default value is 0.
- RegisterIDTxnFee
The amount transaction fee this node is willing to accept for including this GenerateID into the block. The default value is 0.
- Hostname
Designated public IP address of this node. Upon bootup, the node will use external service to find out own public IP address. Default value is empty.
If you want to run a local testnet with a single machine, Hostname should be set to â127.0.0.1â
Whether automatic port forwarding is enabled (requires home router to support UPnP and PMP functionality). Default value is True.
- Mining
On/Off switch for enabling/disabling mining. Default value is True.
- Transport
Whether use tcp or udp for socket connection. Default value is âtcpâ.
- MiningDebug
Whether to display nodeâs current timestamp and proposalSubmitted in getnodestate API. It will help debug Mining issues. Default value is True.
- BeneficiaryAddr
Configure the wallet address that will receive mining rewards. This will enable the decoupling of miner wallet and asset holding wallet, thus improving security.
If this configuration is not empty, all mining reward will go to BeneficiaryAddr wallet address. Otherwise the mining reward will go to local mining wallet. Default value is empty.
- SyncMode
Define if it is âfullâ, âlightâ, or âfastâ synchronization. Default is âfullâ.
- Fast sync: node will sync the same full block history as before, but much faster by syncing the state trie directly. Think of it as a decentralized replacement of the ChainDB snapshot that many people are using.
- Light sync: node will only sync headers of old blocks without transactions. The local ledger size will be much smaller than before (ChainDB size is about 4GB at the time of the release), but node will not be able to respond to
RPC requests for old blocks/transactions. We recommend using light sync only when node disk space is not enough.
- SyncBatchWindowSize
During initial synchronization of blockchain data, the number of concurrent job threads. default value is 1024.
The higher the window size, the faster the initial synchronization speed.
However on smaller devices built with less RAM, smaller window size is recommended to avoid out of memory errors during initial synchronization.
- SyncBlockHeadersBatchSize
During blockchain data synchronization, the number of BlockHeaders each job thread will fetch. Default value is 256.
- SyncBlocksBatchSize
During blockchain data synchronization, the number of Blocks each job thread will fetch. Default value is 8.
- NumTxnPerBlock
Maximum amount of transactions per block. Default value is 4096.
- TxPoolPerAccountTxCap
Maximum amount of transactions per account in the transaction pool. Default value is 32.
- TxPoolTotalTxCap
Maximum amount of total transactions from all accounts in the transaction pool. 0 means there is no limit. Default value is 0.
- TxPoolMaxMemorySize
Maximum size (in Mega Bytes or MB) of total transactions from all accounts in the transaction pool. 0 means there is no limit. Default value is 32 (MB).
- RPCReadTimeoutïŒRPCWriteTimeoutïŒKeepAliveTimeout
Timeout intervals for Read, Write and KeepAlive of HttpJson service