I mined on the Testnet successfully for 2-3 months then took a break, I have tried to start again in the last few days, here is what I have encountered so far:
Digital Ocean Full Node Deployment (from marketplace) appears to work, however, I setup 10 Nodes, they have been running for over 72 hours now and I haven’t received a single reward. Yes my wallet.dat is correct, yes my walled.pswd is correct, all 10 nodes are synced to the current block height and show a state of “Persist Finished” on NKNX.
Google Cloud Platform Deployment (from marketplace) does NOT work anymore. After installing the block height is stuck at around half of the current block height and it will not increase. In fact, monitoring running processes following deployment of the full node I noticed that the NKN Service appears to be stuck in a loop of attempting to update, then running the main NKN Process, then crashing/exiting, then attempting to update again and this continues with (I repeat) no increase in block height.
I tried to install on Google Cloud Platform manually following these installation instructions: https://medium.com/nknetwork/setting-up-a-nkn-miner-in-5-minutes-and-run-it-free-for-2-months-with-digitalocean-76bafcd82ae8 (minus the auto-updating part because that never worked for me before anyway). I have followed these instructions so many times that I pretty much know them off by heart now. Following installation and launch the NKN Nodes are stuck at very low block heights and don’t seem to be increasing anymore after several hours, one has: Node block height: 816 another has 2696 - many are stuck on zero.
It is my understanding from what I have read that we will be able to continue earning rewards on the Testnet beyond the release of the Mainnet and we will still be able to convert these to NKN tokens so I hope these issues will be fixed soon.