Hey everyone! New to the community. I followed the guides here: Web-UI for NKN mining nodes (Windows Edition) and here: Guide: NKN’s official mainnet token swap tool to install nkn node, generate node wallet, beneficiary wallet, convert my ERC NKN to Mainnet and transfer to node wallet. I am not sure if it is a delay with the transfer, but the swap tool says the Mainnet is sent, but I still have not been able to create ID on my node. I get this error: “Failed to create ID. Make sure node’s wallet address has enough balance for generate ID fee, or use another wallet to generate ID for this node’s public key”.
I heck the nodes balance on https://nscan.io/ and it says it is empty. Should I just wait? What am I missing? Its been about 45 minutes or so since the transfer and nknd is up and running in my windows command prompt. Does that have to be running for the network to handle the transfer? Am I missing something? I made the investment to get this far and I don’t want to dump the project…