Regarding 1-click images on cloud platforms (right now):
- DO: existing machines on v0.8 can auto-update; fresh install see below instruction
- GCP: existing machines on v0.8 can auto-update; fresh install see below instruction
- AWS: existing machines on v0.8 can auto-update; fresh install see below instruction
Are you updating cloud images to mainnet v1.0?
Yes! We are submitting new 1-click images to all the three platforms, but it might take a couple of days to get approved and become available.
Regarding mainnet mining documentation and guides
- Allen from our team is updating all documentation.
- Main changes are two: config.dat change to config.json; how to use BeneficiaryAddress which is optional but recommended
- You can help! We encourage community member to create step-by-step video guides to share with other newcomer miners. We will pick one of the best video for each platform, and provide NKN award (token or NKN brand merchandise)
Regarding GUI 1-click on local machine (Windows/Mac OS/Linux)
- Still under development, and we will provide estimated release time at a later time
Essential tools for mainnet
- Mainnet browser:
- Mainnet official wallet:
- Check your node status by IP address: