NKN Mining Guide for Mainnet: wiki version

admin, could you send me a referral link for the promotion of the $ 100 for 3 months of testing in digital ocean, thanks

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Hello can I pay someone to install this all for me via team viewer im a complete newbie at this.

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will somebody clarify Version’s difference:

  • v1.1.3-beta-3-g06d8;
  • v1.1.3-beta?
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I cannot for the life of me get ports 30001-30003. I have configured port forwarding correctly on my router. I have several other ports forwarded and they work correctly. Never had issues like this simply forwarding a port.

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Are you deploying from github src code or binary release?

I believe the latest nknd needs more ports open, e.g. 30001-30021, in order to work properly. Hope it helps.

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I got asked a lot: “how come my node does not have any reward”, “my node seems to generate too little reward”, “how can I improve my mining reward”, and so on. So here is one general answer

There is really no secret to mining. There are only two factors

  • How much you relay and contribute to the network
  • Your node’s luck

The former is related to your node quality (especially your Internet connection and how fast your node can relay packets). There are some difference between cloud VM and home computers. Cloud VM has some edge but home computer has almost no cost. My 1Gbps fiber connected home Raspberry Pi performs almost as good as cloud VM.

The latter varies a lot (e.g. day to day or even week to week), but over a long period of time (3-6 months) it evens out.


hola he visto que nkn se ha asociado con ankr.
¿de esta manera se podra ejecutar un nodo nkn a traves de ankr?

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Hi I think it might be possible to run nkn node via Ankr. We did integration early last year, but it might not be updated since.

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estuve mirando en ankr no vi ninguna opcion para ejecutar un nodo nkn. supongo que en un futuro si daran la opcion

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So I finally downloaded ChainDB, and have been running the node for 1 day already, but I do not see any mining rewards.
I have 2 nodes - in Russia and in US pointing to the same wallet through the beneficiary address.
Can you please give some estimates on how often will I get the reward?
UPD: see the answer NKN Mining Guide for Mainnet: wiki version, which makes sense, but want to make sure that the problem below does not affect the mining.

I often see “Wait for reply timeout” errors and just saw “https server is unavailable yet”, but some activity is happening and the ChainDB is syncing. Is that OK?

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As long as your node is in “Persist_finished” state you are fine. There are some warning and error messages in log, only for development purpose.


OK, it is. Thank you!

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I finally got my first tokens, which is great!)
Now I have a question - is it possible to understand from which node tokens came to my beneficiary addr?
I have 2 nodes, and want to check which of them produced tokens.
Can I somehow understand from LOG files?

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add your nodes to nknx.org (ip) and there it says how many blocks every node have mined


You can check the IP for the node in nstatus. then where it says “proposalSubmitted:” look to see if there is any number over 0. if so that node hit that many blocks since it has been running. If the node shut down then the counter starts over from 0.

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Hello everyone!
I have a couple of questions, I would much appreciate it if anyone could help clarifying it for me.

We have deployed about 325 nodes in the last 7 days with a common beneficiary address, majority of the nodes are in “PERSIST_FINISHED” state and as I understand that means they are doing their job, though when I check the beneficiary address on nscan.io, it shows “5 transactions” of type “subscription”.

What does that mean?
If they were subscription from nodes, shouldn’t I see all 325 nodes’ subscription to the wallet?

Plus, when should we expect a reward? Is it really $7 a month for each node deployed? image

So far we haven’t received a penny :smile: it would be good to see the wallet lifting off, as a form of encouragement.

Thanks all

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First of all, subscription has nothing to do with normal mining reward. They are typically related to value added services like nConnect, TUNA and etc.

When you launch a node, sometimes it takes the first couple of days to sync up to the latest blockchain data. Then it reaches “persist_finish” status and actually started mining. So maybe your nodes reached mining state less than 7 days ago.

Currently it take on average 30 days for each node to get a block reward. So it does seem a bit unlucky that you have not received any block reward. Depending on how you deployed the nodes, you might want to check if Beneficiary Address is properly configured for all the nodes.

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Good news, we are starting to see the first rewards, happy days!
Would it be possible to somehow see which specific node has been rewarded, without having to check each node individually on nstatus?

Many thanks


Try this dashboard, with a few tweaks it works really well


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Hi! Thanks for replying.
I have stopped using that as every node would appear as offline. Is this something you have overcome?
I haven’t dived into the code yet though, I guess something was wrong with the parser? If you say it’s easy fixable then I’ll give it a look :slight_smile:

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