
nMobile Develop SetUp

1. Prepare for development

  • 1.1 Download Android Studio(https://developer.android.google.cn/studio/).

  • 1.2 Setup Android Studio environment.

  • 1.3 Download Xcode to run on iOS Devices.

  • 1.4 Download flutter (https://github.com/flutter/flutter),nMobile currently use 1.22.6.

  • 1.5 Setup flutter environment,eg:

    • export PUB_HOSTED_URL=https://pub.flutter-io.cn
    • export FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL=https://storage.flutter-io.cn
    • export PATH=/Users/UserName/Documents/flutter/bin:$PATH
    • export DART_HOME=/Users/UserName/Documents/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin
  • 1.6 If you have setup gomobile develop environment,and want to modify SDK of NKN, fork https://github.com/nknorg/nkn-sdk-go. And you can make your own modification.

  • 1.7 Checkout nMobile from github(https://github.com/nknorg/nMobile),Currently checkout dev of Tag Build220.

2. Replacement of nMobile App Setting

  • 2.1 If you want notification function,open nMobile code with Android category.Find file “GooglePushService.java”(app/src/main/service/GooglePushService.java),change var “v0TokenString” to your own FirebaseCloudMessage setting.

  • 2.2 Replace of “google-services.json”(app/google-services.json) with your own FCM setting.

  • 2.3 Replace of “nkn.keystore”(app/key/nkn.keystore) with your own Android Sign key,modify the sign key locate in gradle.properties also.

  • 2.4 Open iOS category with Xcode,find “NKNPushService.m”(Classes/NKNPush/NKNPushService.m),replace var “APNSPushFileName” with your own APNS .p12 or .cer file location,replace var “APNSPushPassword” with your own password of p12 file.

  • 2.5 Click Xcode Build Settings, find “User-Defined”,replace “FLUTTER_APPLICATION_PATH”/“FLUTTER_FRAMEWORK_DIR”/“FLUTTER_ROOT” with your own flutter path.

3. MessageType

3.1 text

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType text string
topic string Topic name,the 1-1 chat is null
content object JSON format
timestamp long digital representation of time in milliseconds. for conversion to specific time in time zones around the world.
options json string

3.2 textExtension

  • Burn after reading

  • Theme color (not implemented yet)

This is separated from text content type so web d-chat can simply ignore this content type if not implemented.

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType textExtension string
topic string Topic name,the 1-1 chat is null
content object JSON format
timestamp long digital representation of time in milliseconds. for conversion to specific time in time zones around the world.
options object

3.3 Contact Protocol

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType contact string
requestType header/full string response should not contain this field
content {name: “”, avatar: { type: “base64”, data: “”}} object should not contain this field if request type is header
version string random uuid
expiresAt long
onePieceReady “1” string when sync this field,use 3.12 ContentType
timestamp long digital representation of time in milliseconds. for conversion to specific time in time zones around the world.

If requestType is header, other side should respond with only version and expiresAt to indicate meta data.

If requestType is full, other side should include content as well.

3.4.1 Contact Options Protocol(for burnAfterReading function)

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType event:contactOptions string
content {“deleteAfterSeconds”:10} object
optionType “0” string burn after reading function
timestamp long digital representation of time in milliseconds. for conversion to specific time in time zones around the world.

3.4.2 Contact Options Protocol(for open notification bell function)

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType event:contactOptions string
content {‘deviceToken’: “deviceToken value or empty string”} object enable or disable notification funtion
optionType “1” string
timestamp long digital representation of time in milliseconds. for conversion to specific time in time zones around the world.

3.5 receipt

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType receipt string
targetID string target msg id
timestamp long digital representation of time in milliseconds. for conversion to specific time in time zones around the world.

3.6 media (Suitable for D-Chat PC)

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType media string
topic string Topic name,the 1-1 chat is null
content object JSON format(check method “toSuitVersionImageData”)
timestamp long digital representation of time in milliseconds. for conversion to specific time in time zones around the world.
options json string

3.7 nknImage or image (Deprecated)/(Suitable for nMobile before 1.1.1)

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType nknImage/image string
topic string Topic name,the 1-1 chat is null
content object JSON format(check method “toImageData”)
timestamp long digital representation of time in milliseconds. for conversion to specific time in time zones around the world.
options json string

3.8 audio (Availble for current Audio Chat function)

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType audio string
topic string Topic name,the 1-1 chat is null
content object JSON format(check method “toAudioData”)
timestamp long digital representation of time in milliseconds. for conversion to specific time in time zones around the world.
options {audioDuration:“7.56”} json string mark record audio time length

3.9 event:subscribe (When subscribed group,broadcast this Type of message)

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType event:subscribe string
topic string

3.10 event:unsubscribe (When unsubscribed group,broadcast this Type of Message)

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType event:unsubscribe string
topic string

3.11 event:channelInvitation (When invite people join Group,send this Type of Message)

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType event:channelInvitation
content object JSON format

3.12 nknOnePiece (In order to solve node delay)

field value type description
id string random uuid
contentType nknOnePiece string
parentType media or audio string currently support media/audio/3.7 ContentType
content object JSON format
topic string Topic name,the 1-1 chat is null
options json string
timestamp long digital representation of time in milliseconds. for conversion to specific time in time zones around the world.
parity 10 int Reed-solomon set,when received count==parity,see method “_combineOnePieceMessage”
total 13 int Reed-solomon total send count of messages
index 1 int current index of total messages
bytesLength 37620 int datasize length of origin message


  • 3.12.1 NKN nodes test pressure when sending one Message content above 60K(Sometime for more than 8hours of delay).

  • 3.12.2 NKN group send test pressure when 80K over 300 members.

  • 3.12.3 When send “image”/“audio” ContentType of Message,use reed-solomon to split the message into total pieces count with certain 1k/2k/4k/8k/16k,currently use 8k.

  • 3.12.4 When receive “nknOnePiece” ContentType,wait for count reaches “parity” length of messages,then we can use reed-solomon to combine the split messages into the origin message.

  • 3.12.5 See what is reed-solomon(https://github.com/klauspost/reedsolomon).

  • 3.12.6 Why we use reed-solomon,in case of loss of messages due to bad network or through bad situation connection of nodes.

4. Private Group agreement

5. Advantages of nMobile

6. Simple guide of nMobile written by Bruce

7. Previous version of Message ContentType

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Flutter Stable 1.22.6

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Mac: https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra/releases/stable/macos/flutter_macos_1.22.6-stable.zip
Linux: https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra/releases/stable/linux/flutter_linux_1.22.6-stable.tar.xz