Hello,Is there a simple way to change my beneficiaryAddr?
Already found a good way ,
haha,Thank you!
Hello,Is there a simple way to change my beneficiaryAddr?
Already found a good way ,
haha,Thank you!
Thank you, Some of my nodes vps,seems I forgot the key,now cannot login,is there away to recover it? login id is nkn
that’s why I used the same username and password on all of them.
you could reset the root password on VPS website.
I input wrong password ,I also use same password .ok,I goto check the vps website
maybe not the place but not to start a new topic … do you know why some nodes restart on their own every so often? it happens to you?
sometimes dont work,need restart the nodes
hey guys… So I got the ‘Congrats you deployed a NKN node’ msg… the next msg indicates my node will be visible on nstatusorg in a couple mins, the very next msg says the node will take an hour or two to do its thing… i’m not worried btw… but its not shown up on nstatus yet and when I ./nknd -info -s I get a msg that says “no ID in this acct, waiting for generate ID fee or generate ID transaction” … am I just still waiting for it to setup or do I have a different problem?.. I am relatively new to linux/ubuntu. I am attempting to run this node on a linux box at home(my own server)… I love this project and want to support it but i’m def on a bit of a struggle-bus… please help…thx
@WineGuy I have to rewrite the end to explain things better. Did you use the old script, did you not get a red warning about paying the 10nkn fee?
You have to pay the 10nkn fee (mainnet nkn) to the nodes wallet so it generates an ID.
Use the updated script startup code next time.
Hey thanks… No… there was no warning… I must have used the old script. where do I find the new script and how will it effect the current node attempting to run on my server.
I have NKN but its erc-20… I’m trying to figure out the swap to mainnet now. Also, node wallet is different than beneficiary wallet or the same? I also have the NKN pro app/wallet app etc just haven’t parked anything there yet. I appreciate your response… thank you!
Always use this command and you’ll always have latest version.
wget -O nkndeploy.sh 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/no112358/ALLinONE-nknnode/main/nkndeploy.sh'; bash nkndeploy.sh
Node wallet is nodes wallet.
Beneficiary is your payout wallet.
Is there any way to avoid spending 40mins re-downloading ChainDB?
Why? Haven’t you made your own ChainDB server yet?
I’m pretty sure I had one but I keep selecting option 1 for beginners… it doesn’t really matter now I guess because the token swap is taking forever anyway… i’m going to take an edx class on linux for beginners… If there are anyother basic pointers you can offer as i set this up they would be MOST welcome…
btw running the new script didn’t walk me through any wallet funding process… can I send the 10nkn directly to the address stored in wallet.json? would that work? I also checked all the logs… all the log errors are “cant append/not sufficient funds” errors, also, its not recognizing my ChainDB.tar.gz location when I select option 6 and try to nkn node install
But how? I literally checked it today…
at the end of node install theres text in RED that shows you the wallet address you need to send 10 NKN. The wallet.json NKN is the correct address to send the 10 NKN.
literally the code:
printf "%s" "$red"
printf "NKN NODE wallet this is the address where you have to send 10 NKN.\n"
printf "If you don't send 10 NKN to this address, the node won't start mining.\n\n"
printf "%s\n\n" "$nodewallet"
printf "%s" "$normal"
is you address to the ChainDB file correct? the script checks if the address is correct and if it’s not, then no go.
for me it wasnt an automated thing… perhaps because I had already installed everything and was trying to run the new script on top of an existing installation… I had to fumble through the menus a bit but I just found the correct selection… 7 on the advanced user menu… I just sent 10 nkn to the node address literally 1 minute ago… so we’ll see what happens… I’ll check nstatus in a sec to see if it pops up
Always install on fresh servers. If they aren’t fresh make a new one.
yeah… noted moving forward…lol
I used the debugging commands to view log files, check systemctl, vieww node status… it seems to be active and running on my server/terminal… it hasnt popped up on nstatus yet though…that still comes back with “node offline” is there another external way to check if my node is running anywhere other than my world?
tell me the node IP address please